OK. Time for some direction. Advice?

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I messed up my DD. I read the instructions wrong and added k-meta and sorbate at 1.100. It has since dropped to .992, but it won't clear. I thought it was just taking time so I threw it on the porch for a couple hours thinking the cold would motivate it.

I degassed it with vacuum last week. this morning after warming up there is co2 running up the jug neck again.

Should I wait a few days to ensure gravity reading is steady and fermentation is completely done, degas, and add sorbate again?
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I messed up my DD. I read the instructions wrong and added k-meta and sorbate at 1.100. It has since dropped to .992, but it won't clear. I thought it was just taking time so I threw it on the porch for a couple hours thinking the cold would motivate it.
Did you add K-meta and sorbate at 1.100 or 1.00)? I'm guessing the latter. The fact that it fermented out is good.

Vacuum degassing doesn't happen all at once. Folks have reported that it takes 3 to 4 iterations to accomplish. For that matter, manual degassing doesn't happen all at once, either -- the stirring jump starts the process and it continues over the following day and/or weeks.

DO NOT add more sorbate -- overdosing with sorbate will give your wine an off aroma/taste.

I suggest patience. Give it a couple of weeks, then re-evaluate.