Sally, I must have been lucky. Where I went to HS (Lexington, MA, class of '71) we geeks ranked right up there with the football stars. In fact, one of my best friends was the quarterback, and one of the girls I dated was voted "Best Looking" in my graduating class. I was just a 130 lb, 6' tall nerd with pimples. (The QB was also voted Best Looking, and dated the girl Best Looking, but she dumped him because he was boring!!)
I had a HS class of about 700. Roughly 80% went to college, and 15 - 20% went to college in the Ivy's, MIT, Cal Tech, Stanford, and the like. We had a bridge team!! Undefeated. The leader had something like 97 Master Points. 100 MP makes you a National Master. I actually earned about .25 points just playing in matches with my fellow students, and I couldn't make the team!
I think we spend too much time and money on those who choose to drop out, and too little on those who are gifted and need support to bring that out. We need to create a culture in our schools that celebrates the nerd and the geek, letting them know that they are as valuable as the football star.
My wife (SWMBO) used to have a thing she passed out at HS career fairs that talked about how much money Michael Jordan made. He hit the top of the Social Security wage base on Jan 2, he paid $200 for a round of golf, but made $26,000 in the 4 hours it took to play it, etc. But if Michael Jordan saved every penny he made it would take him 246 years to have the same net worth as Bill Gates.