So, how is this wine coming along now??
You mentioned in another post that you were going to buy more plants...? I Googled Mescalines and it looks like they are a wild grape...right??? [I wouldn't know as I live in the frozen tundra of Minnesota] I was just curious as to what they were....
Anyway, grapes are very easy to propagate and I would think in your climate that you could make more plants from cuttings and layering.
Layering....Does the vine has tendrils along the vine where the leaves grow????? then....Take a long vine and just bury that portion of the vine that has some tendrils in the soil a few inches deep, let the end of the vine breathe and in a few months there should be roots forming at the tendril area that is burried...... give it some time and then sever the plant end of the vine and let the buried roots grow a bit more on their own, then in 6 months or so have a new plant, just like the mother plant.
Cuttings, you can take...probably in your part of the country...anytime of the year. Cut a piece of the vine, cut pieces of that wine that have a few leaf nodes, remove all leaves and place them in a good potting soil/perlite mix in a plastic pot, put a plastic bag over the pot and place in a saucer, water regularly and keep in bright light, but not direct sunlight....floresent lights are good....maybe in time the cuttings will take root...more plants next spring.
If you know a gardener, ask them to propagate you more plants....they should root pretty easily if they are related to grapes.Good luck!!Edited by: Northern Winos