Waldo's Apple Wine

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I'm eagerly awaiting your results with the steamed juice mthod Waldo. I can't help but think that cooked, or pasterized juice would react or taste differently when fermented into a wine. Keep us posted.
I too am anxious to know f the taste is diffrent...Waldo has made wine with fresh frozen fruit, so his will be the real test....
I have only made wine with this type of steam extracted juice........Ohhh...but them I have also made wine from store bought pasteurized juices too...like apple and those frozen concentrated juices...so who knows what's happened to those before they get to the store....?????
(I have a question for those of you who have neen using the steamers. When making wine from the juice extracted, do you add water to the juice and if so, at what ratio? )

Waldo, I'm a total fresh fish with this contraption, but here is what I did with some chokecherries. The recipe called for 14 lbs of berries, so I steamed 15 lbs. this produceda little over 2 gal of liquid. I added sugar, and other ingredientsthen filled up with water to the 6 gal mark. I hope my assumption was not incorrect. I do have some serious fermentation going on right now, and everything looks, smells, and taste alright... I'd love to hear from someone who may have a ratio...jh
Waldo said:
I have a question for those of you who have neen using the steamers. When making wine from the juice extracted, do you add water to the juice and if so, at what ratio?

Waldo....I don't have a very good imagination...I kind of use recipes.....mostly from ....WINEMAKINGby Anderson & Anderson </font>and WINEMAKERSRecipe Handbook....by Raymond Massaccesi </font> [The little purple handbook] If they call for 16 pounds of fruit I'll use more...maybe 20 pounds...[because I don't add the pulp to the must] then I add water to make up the volume...
So, I would just follow your instincts...and what you have used by pounds or volume in the past...plus a bit more if you feel it needs it...Hope it works out for you.

REMEMBER....keep your water pan full while boiling...
....and in the future you will have to replace your hose...the heat of the stove kind of cooks it....I get extra hose from Medical Supply companies...
They are awesome aren't they. Worked way beyond my expectations. And you are right about the heat being dangerous. HAve to use extreme caution in handling that drain hose. That sucker puts out some steam before the juices beging flowing.
George may want to conssider handling these in his store.

Waldo...I too think that George could sell some of these at his store and through his catalog....
Another supplier does sell them...[won't mention any names] His is like yours and very pricey....
Edited by: Northern Winos