Waldo's Muscadine Wine

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Aug 12, 2011
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On Waldo's muscadine wine receipt the ingredients call for 5 campden tabs. However, in the beginning you add 5 campden tabs with the juice. Then at the end you add 5 more campden tabs with the Sorbate. This would be a total of 10. Could someone help me out on what is correct. Thanks, Tony
You add the first 5 to kill off the the wild yeasts wait 24 hours and add the yeast you want to use. When it's finished fermenting you add the other 5 to help prevent the wine from fermenting again. Especially if you plan on sweetening the wine since adding more sugar will start the yeast fermenting again.
The sorbate is added to prevent further fermentation, the campden is added as a preservative but should also kill the yeast.
thollywood said:
Thank you both for your help.

You are quite welcome, I see you are new here so welcome aboard....... How long have you been making wine or are you just starting this obsession?
Fermentation will burn off almost all of the sulfite thus requiring more once fermentation is finished.
Hello Gaudet and Wade, Just getting started. I have had the vine for years. And last year decided to give wine a try. I am real happy to find this site. I'm glad also to be able to find where Waldo hangs out since it is his recipe that In going to try. Thanks all again for the welcome and helping the newbie out.
Thollywood welcome to a great forum. There are several masters on here that have made it and will guide you through it and any other wine you would like to make. If you have questions on the maintenance of your vines, there are experts here on that also.
mmmm Waldos muscadine
Thollywood, Im not in an area where Muscadines would grow or even the Scuppernongs
which is a total bummer as I really really like it. I have had a few bottles from generous people on this forum though and loved em all!
I've been growing my own muscadines for 3 seasons now. This is the best crop I've gotten. Growing 3 varieties, Ison (2 vines), Dixie Red (1), and Carlos (1). So far I haven't had any luck with the carlos, but the other two are doing well. I might have enough to do a 3 gallon batch of Isons Muscadine wine this season. A co-worker called me the other day and wants to give me some of her grapes too (unknown variety of black muscadine) so I might just do a combo batch, but would hate to not know what variety I was using. It would suck to not be able to reproduce a good wine....
Seems to be that most peoples muscadines did not produce much this year in south Louisiana. I went from approx 400lbs last year to just 20lbs this year.
Remember , FREE grapes are FREE grapes. Always a good thing.
Gaudet - I was hoping to be able to give you a bunch of muscadines this year (as promised in an earlier thread). I have enough for a 5 gallon batch for this year.
If I were you I would jump all over those free muscadines.
There's always next year ToddRod.....

You live out in Vacherie if I member correctly..... There was a piece on WWL-TV about 3 years ago that inspired me to start making wine. Frank Davis had a guy who made his homemade wine. The guy was from Vacherie, but I can't remember his name. He had a bunch of vines and made all the wine for him and his brother. That wouldn't happen to have been you on that segment now would it


That was my good friend Mike Kliebert. He lives next door to my inlaws. I use his basic recipe that was on that video . The drought hit him hard too. 19 vines and only 75lbs of grapes this year.