watermelon wine

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Aug 29, 2009
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Hi how is everyone today racked my watermelon wine last nite and it smelled great tasted sweet s.g. is 1.080...but its bubbling very very slow. should i add some yeast nutrient .And one other thing it was suggested that when i made it to put the must in the fridge cause watermelon spoils so easy(THANKS FOR THAT BY THE WAY)anyway should put it back in the fridge since i racked it or is it safe to leave it out now Thanks Everyone all your suggestions have been a great help!!
What yeast you using? Depending on the yeast, cooler temps will slow or stop fermentations
Lalvin yeast ferments temps are 50-85
Red Star about the same

well i hope its ok as i said earlier it was suggested that i put it in the fridge to prevent spoilage and i know it was below 50 degrees
Th spoilage issue is mainly early on. The first 3-4 days is when it will go bad if fermentation isnt going well enough to protect the wine. If you racked it and it is OK then you should be past the spoiling stage. I racked mine for the second time a couple days ago and it is great. Strong tasting but fruity. So far so good.
well actually today it is bubbling great but still worried about specific gravity as it was 1.080 when i racked it and not sure if should add some yast nutrient

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