WineXpert WE Selection Luna (avec battonage)

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No, my WE SEL Viognier is only 13 months old. My 18-month rule is for reds. I have only done those 2 whites, but my intention was to ferment them in the summer and start consuming them the following spring (as the weather warms up). My hope is that each batch lasts over 2 summers, but my Viognier is already more than half gone!

I'm trying to keep my hands off of the Viognier until Christmas/New Years, still have 24 bottles, we drank two and the rest were given away with the note "don't open until Christmas" attached to the back of the bottle.

We've been hitting the Pinot Grigio from a juice bucket this spring, already down to 22 bottles and dropping fast. Plus my wife likes it better than the Viognier, which is a more acquired taste IMHO.
I got my Luna over the weekend. So, I re-re-read this thread and had some thoughts.

I'm thinking of putting the oak dust, all 120gr of it, it the bag they provided. Don't know what that might do to the ferment, but it should make cleanup and racking easier. Any arguments not to??

I'm going to do a 50-50 with the fpac. 50% in the primary, 50% later in the process.

Will skip the sorbate and bulk age this one 6 months, then bottle.
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How much did you guys pay for this kit?
LabelPeelers has a sale until today and was wondering if I should jump on this kit.

Also, isn't this a Chardonnay kit? If so it has an f-pack? I thought Chardonnays in general should be DRY.
How much did you guys pay for this kit?
LabelPeelers has a sale until today and was wondering if I should jump on this kit.

Also, isn't this a Chardonnay kit? If so it has an f-pack? I thought Chardonnays in general should be DRY.

It's cheap on LP - I paid what you see in your cart ($80). Yes, chards are generally dry wines. But, this one comes with a liter fpac and is listed as "off dry."

By placing half the fpac in the primary, it will add body and nose, boost the ABV a little, but not add to the sweetness on the palate. The other half will go in later to bring the sweetness up a bit. But, hopefully we'll keep it around a 0.995 SG or less in the end. I'd like to avoid adding the sorbate.

Love the description:

This is our biggest, boldest white wine ever. In the spirit of the great full-bodied Chardonnays of California and Australia, Luna Bianca is lush, golden and rich. Dense, luscious, buttery aromas dance up from the glass. Flavors of tropical fruits blend with the vanilla-oak finish.

For $80, you can't go wrong.
How much did you guys pay for this kit?
LabelPeelers has a sale until today and was wondering if I should jump on this kit.

Also, isn't this a Chardonnay kit? If so it has an f-pack? I thought Chardonnays in general should be DRY.

It has been a long time since I made this kit (maybe three years), but it finishes just slightly off-dry. The fPac fills it out wonderfully. One of the best white kit wines I made. I also like it's red brother Luna Rossa, very fruity and full taste. Great kit and if you let it sit for a year or more, oh my goodness does it get wonderful.

and at the price point LP is selling it at, I am tempted to pick up one of each, myself.
You guys "forced" me to order this kit today....:db

I'm telling the wife not to blame ME....::
BTW - the guy at LP told me that this is not merely a Chardonnay, it is actually a blend of some white varietals not "revealed" by WinExpert.....hence the reason of the f-pack?
Taste Test

Opened a bottle of the Luna Bianca tonight. Made according to kit instructions, the wine came out sweet. There is no acidity discernible in the wine and no oak. The flavor is fruity, like drinking chardonnay juice; not overly sweet, but more so than an off dry description would indicate. The mouth feel is smooth and buttery. I noted an artificial sweetener taste during bottling but that seems to have gone after a month in the bottle. Like most wines, this one should improve with additional aging, say 6 months or so.

The wine is exceptionally clear with gold coloring. I noted during the vinification process that there was only a slight dusting in the bottom of the carboy. No sediment is evident in the bottles.

In terms of pairing, the wine might be a compliment to a spicy dish like chili and should be good for serving as a cocktail wine when entertaining.
I always add the oak dust to the skins bags during all my fermentations. Never experienced any problems here.
Rusty, when did you start the kit? I'm undecided whether using some of the f-pack in primary or not, I like whites in the off-dry arena rather than bone dry...

I ordered and have one kit waiting on deck....:db
This kit came with an incredible 120 g (!) of toasted oak powder for primary. This formed a thick mat on top of the primary. I did not use a muslin bag (because there is no grape pack), so I hope I can rack out of primary successfully with all that wood in there.

I got my Luna over the weekend. So, I re-re-read this thread and had some thoughts.

I'm thinking of putting the oak dust, all 120gr of it, it the bag they provided. Don't know what that might do to the ferment, but it should make cleanup and racking easier. Any arguments not to??

I always add the oak dust to the skins bags during all my fermentations. Never experienced any problems here.

When I do reds, I put the dust in the mesh bag. However, as stated in the OP, mine did not come with a mesh bag (because there were no grape skins). I think you were lucky to get a bag, and I would go ahead and use it.

In my case, racking out of primary was not as difficult as I feared. I was careful not to disturb the lees, and it went fine.
I'm going to do a 50-50 with the fpac. 50% in the primary, 50% later in the process.

Will skip the sorbate and bulk age this one 6 months, then bottle.

Just noticing this now about the sorbate. I am planning to add my sorbate before adding the f-pack. Aren't you worried about bottle bombs?
Rusty, when did you start the kit? I'm undecided whether using some of the f-pack in primary or not, I like whites in the off-dry arena rather than bone dry...

I ordered and have one kit waiting on deck....:db
I started my kit on August 16th. Like Paul, I did not get a mesh bag with my kit; I mixed the oak into the must prior to pitching the yeast.

Thanks Ron.
Did you mention what was the SG after adding the whole f-pack to back sweeten?

I like whites off dry, something in the 1.002, if you noted final SG let me know before I start this kit.

Holly moly, I opened the kit this morning to see what's inside....and like you guys stated 4 packets of 30oz oak dust :db
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Thanks Ron.
Did you mention what was the SG after adding the whole f-pack to back sweeten?

I like whites off dry, something in the 1.002, if you noted final SG let me know before I start this kit.
... :db


According to my notes, the specific gravity of my batch was 0.992 prior to putting in the f-pack and was .998 after. The wine temperature at the time of the readings was 76 degrees.

I've noticed, over several posts in various threads, that my SG readings seem to be less than those read by others when the same wine kit is being made. I can only conclude that SG readings may be dependent on the particularities of the SG gauge being used, or the eyesight of the owner. :D As long as my SG readings are in relationship to previous readings, I don't worry about the starting number being few thousands off a kit's targeted SG. This of course assumes that the range of my readings is similar to the relationship between the readings in the instructions; they generally are.


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