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Very nice site there! Steve did a great job creating mine in no time at all! I still some stuff to add but its getting there. Rich do a few of them come out grainy or just the pic of the pump as that was copied and pasted from the manufacturers site and it is grainy everywhere. I will get rid of that one soon with the help of Steve and insert a new one that is actually from my setup and not copied from a site!
Most of them are good, just your picture and the one of the filter like you say. When I put your picture on the page about Scuba's winerack today I thought- That's the picture Wade should use on his site! LOL

COOL SITE - ya make us all proud - -

maybe I'll try one someday - -

keep up the great work - - -

Very nice website men, thank you for sharing them with everyone. My cellar looks like something out of the Munster's lab (used to have hooka hanging from the ceiling from prior dear skinning activities but they scared some folksaway soI took em down, darn wimps) so a buddy of mine whom is into cad is whipping up some plans to trickout my wine cellar/area. That's a 2009 goal of mine.
Vince said:
Very nice website men, thank you for sharing them with everyone. My cellar looks like something out of the Munster's lab (used to have hooka hanging from the ceiling from prior dear skinning activities but they scared some folksaway soI took em down, darn wimps) so a buddy of mine whom is into cad is whipping up some plans to trickout my wine cellar/area. That's a 2009 goal of mine.

I am assuming you have hooks hanging from the ceiling and not one of these weird guys there;

In case you don't recognize him with you being new, that's our buddie Waldo there on the hookah.
Oh Rich, that is way to funny and you owe me big time as you made me spit out a good sip of My Amarone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't blame me, blame JW. He made the picture a few days ago. I just thought it fit with Vince's "hooka" hanging from the ceiling!
Wade, This is late but great website. Thanks for sharing. I am going to try your strawberry chocolate port next chance I get. (thanks Steve)

PS The other sites are great too.