Welch's grape concentrate wine

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I don't have the knowledge to answer your first question but i often make vinegar and the wine must be exposed to air for along period of time the get vinegar. I use a vinegar that contains mother to get the transformation going.

I guess I am a bad boy but i also use the brew belt on my glass carboys. I also have a small adjustable electric blanket that i place under my carboys when needed.

I will be very interested in learning about this ascorbic acid to prevent oxidation
HD93 said:
I read somewhere that you should put ascorbic acid in the wine to prevent it from oxidizing and turning into vinegar. Do you advise this or have you done this ?

I use ascorbic acid to prevent oxidation and to keep the color...Don't know about the vinegar thing....?
Ascorbic acis is an antioxidant used to prevent the browning of cut fruit - like apples - on salad bars. I would use it in apple wine, but I doubt it is needed in a Welches concentrate. Check the label - there might already be some in there.
I have been using my brew belts on glass for 3 years with no problems at all. Just dont put 1 on a 45* carboy as the temp difference ill probably shatter it like a windshield being hit with a defroster, it can happen once there is a weak spot say from banging it once or twice. As far as Better bottles go Im sure it will be fine.
Thanks for your help it's very muchappreciated.
If using abscorbic acid how much is added? Also when back sweetening should I use more k-sorbate and k- meta before bottling?Edited by: HD93
Hi Northern, Was wondering how much WinExpert concentate you used. I have 6 gal. and used 2 cans/ gal. It seems that it mayneed to be fuller bodied. I used the recipe from Jack Keller's site, but read elsewhere that they used 3 cans / gal. and then added 2 cans before bottling to back sweeten and add more body. Would like your thoughts.
I use 2 bottles during fermentation....3 would probably be better, more flavor and body.
We have never sweetened wine at the end as we like ours bone dry.

Have read that people add it at the end to sweeten, but I would add it slowly, a bit at a time as it is pretty sweet stuff...68*Brix. Taste and add more if you like.

Be sure to add Potassium Sorbate to prevent refermentation.

Let us know how it works for you...

Edited by: Northern Winos
Northern Winos said:
I made Welch's Concord Wine before and we really liked it....Was gone in a flash. I added WinExpert Red Grape Concentrate and oak to it. Everyone liked that one.

Now I use my own grape juice....but would like to try another batch of Welch's to compare....would add the R.G. Concentrate and more oak and 2 vanilla beans to the next batch....
Think it would satisfy....
thanks for the info. We'll let you know how it turns out.
Hello Wade It's HD93 and I'm back. I just back sweeetened and was wondering ifI did this correctly? I bs'd and added kmeta and ksorb .Was adding the sorb necessary? I thought that there was a possibility that it would referment.
you should have added both so you are good! What exactly do you mean by bs'd?
Edited by: wade
Thanks for your help. If I was to filter do I b.s. then filter or filter and then b.s. Edited by: HD93
Hello all, just touchin base with you to let you know I just filtered my Welch's which took about 35 min. with the vinebrite gravity filter. I cleared with Superkleer, back sweetened with 2 cans Welch's concentrate added k-meta & k-sorbate let sit for 2 days to make sure it wouldn't referment prior to filtering. Just got done bottling. I use 1 gal. jugs. Then did a taste test and all seems good
It seems a little light, so next time around I'm going to use 3 cans / gal. Thanks for all your help, it is very much appreciated.
With work being slow, I found it to be cheaper now until the cash flow is better. I have a friend that works at a club and is saving me some bottles.