Welch's Grape (Wow!)

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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2007
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I did two batches of Welch's Concord about 6 months ago. The first (14 cans/5 gal) was before I had learned that the cocktail juice contained inhibitors. The second was with the concentrate (12 cans/5 gal). Both were started at SG 1.090 and back-sweetened with 1 cup sugar. The former fermented very slowly, but it fermented. When finished, it looked like a rose and was quite tart. After 6 months it was a sweet delight and all the ladies in my family and our friends have loved it. The latter was also tart at the beginning but after 6 months I consider it one of the best, if not the best, wines I have ever had. I relaize that the taste of wine is a personal thing but these have been great hits. I have a Welch's White Grape/Peach in the secondary now and I look forward to it with great anticipation. I plan to repeat the Concord wines. Yes, I am going to do the cocktail wine since it was such a hit even though it was a bear to ferment.

Both of these wines have been received better that the 2 kit wines I have done, although both turned out well.

Will soon do blackberries, strawberries, a banana, an elderberry and finish a dandelion that is in secondary now.

I am having to do much more wine than I ever thought I would!
Yes wine is a personal taste and when you are pleased with the final productand can share it with friends who enjoy it then yourefforts are truly rewarded!
Funny how some people will say they do not like wine (me as close as a year ago) but there are sooo many varieties and styles , that if one looks, sooner or later you find one you like. And, in my case, that leads to re trying the ones I thoughtI didn't like, and finding I really do. I think we mature into it, just like allot of things in life.
In my former job I was wined and dined at some extraordinary restaurants and I have drunk wines that were reputed to be some of the best available. I have enjoyed my Welch's as much or more than any of the wines I have enjoyed over the years. I can't wait to do the blackberries when they ripen.
I hear ya about growing into liking wine, until 2 tears ago when we had
driven by a winery that was having a wine tasting and had a sign that
caught my eye I really never cared for wine. But once I tried a few
fruit wines I was addicted and wondered about making but thought it
would be really hard until I went back working at a place I used to
work at and found that 1 of my old friends was making IM kits and I
jumped in with the Blackberry Merlot, the Exotic Fruit white Zin, and
the Vintners Black Currant wine base. That was all she wrote!
Hey Smoke,

Can you give some additional info on how the Welch's tastes? Is it a sweet wine or dry like a merlot, cab, etc? Did you follow a specific receipe? What type of yeast did you use?

I have a little room left on my wine rack for a couple gallon jugs.

Here is what I used:

Welch's 100% Concentrate Grape Wine
12 (11 1/2 oz) cans Welch's 100% frozen grape concentrate*
Water to make 5 gal
Sugar (to SG 1.090)
10 t acid blend
5 t pectic enzyme
5 t yeast nutrient
1 pkt Montrachet wine yeast (activated)
5 Campden tablets (crushed)
1 c sugar (to sweeten after secondary fermentation)
Potassium sorbate (according to pkg directions)

Place the concentrate in primary; add water to make 5 gallons. Check the SG and add sugar to SG 1.090. Add the acid blend and pectic enzyme. At this point the total volume should be approximately 6 gallons. Add wine yeast; cover. When active fermentation slows down (about 5 days), fit airlock. When clear, rack, top up and refit airlock. After additional 30 days, add Campden tablets, sorbate, 1 cup sugar and rack into bottles.

Makes 5 gallons.

*Not the concentrate with corn syrup, etc. Just the plain concentrate at $1.68 per can at Wal-Mart.

After 6 months the wine has some tartness and is a little sweet but not cloying. I love it. Of course you can omit the back-sweetening and enjoy it dry.
I am surprised that only one cup of sugar in a 5 gallon batch would even be noticed if you fermented the wine to dry. Sounds very tempting. I have always wanted to try making a gallon of this.
I am at our vacation home now, but I will be starting another batch as soon as I get home--next Wednesday. The wine improves greatly with age, but this one will never see its first birthday! We just used a bottle to make Applebee's Sangria and it was great.
I agree fine one you like and then start trying others. I was a white wine person since been making I still do drink whites but dont leave and open bottle of red around me now any that i can tell merlot shiraz cab sav valapocella barolo yes and lookking for more reds now..
I repeated the first 2 batches of Welch's, including the cocktail juice with inhibitors. I acclimated the yeast to progressively increasing amounts of the cocktail must and it is fermenting nicely. The batch using the 100% concentrate is fermenting vigorously. The yeast used in both was Lalvin EC 1118.

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