5 gals Welch's White Grape/blueberry/kiwi
4 cans of Welch's white grape frozen concentrate
2 ripe frozen banannas
3 tsp yeast energizer
6 tsp nutrient
1/4 tsp liquid pectic
3# sugar
4 tbs acid blend
water to 6 gal
sg 1.090
ph 3.8
ta 7.5
free SO2 50 aftermixing up must - sat 12 hours before pitching yeast
lavin 1116 (x2, one in yeast starter and one pitched on top)Edited by: Coaster
4 cans of Welch's white grape frozen concentrate
2 ripe frozen banannas
3 tsp yeast energizer
6 tsp nutrient
1/4 tsp liquid pectic
3# sugar
4 tbs acid blend
water to 6 gal
sg 1.090
ph 3.8
ta 7.5
free SO2 50 aftermixing up must - sat 12 hours before pitching yeast
lavin 1116 (x2, one in yeast starter and one pitched on top)Edited by: Coaster