My records indicate that in September and early October, 2012, I started with Brewer's Best American Cream Ale kits. By the end of October I had worked up my own recipe.
The kits used some Liquid Malt, but also dry Pilsen and Corn Sugar as the fermentables. And Willamette hops for both Bittering and Aroma. I don't recall how that tasted, but in my first Batch of my own recipe, I used only Liquid Malt Extract, and Brewer's Gold and Cascade hops. After that, I used primarily Cascade hops and Briess liquid malt for more than Sixty Five batches of beer over ten years.
I tried a dozen other hops strains, but always came back to Cascade. When they developed Citra hops, I added the use of that. I also tried Briess Sparkling Amber CBW. Also Nottingham, Coopers and Safbrew T-58 yeast strains ... didn't like those at all.
The taste of my recipe is very distinctive. This was not intentional, due to ignorance. It simply happened.
I have not found any other beer that is at all like it. It is very enjoyable and easy drinking.
Briess Golden Light Concentrated Brewer's Wort (CBW liquid malt)
Cascade hops
US-05 Yeast
Over and over, for years. I have enough hobbies.
edit: In my rather biased and I reckon not so humble opinion, Beer should be Simple. For probably at least 3,000 years it has been simple (Beer was produced in Egypt during the building of the pyramids). The simplicity of my recipe is almost certainly why it has a distinctive taste. And because I believe this is how beer is supposed to taste, I named mine ...
"Standard Reference."