I've wondered why the other forum is unfriendly. It seems to be filled with manyfolks trying to impress each other rather than share their knowledge and love of wine and good cheer.
Well.......... Your both lucky you never got an email to join. I did, sign on, no problems. Till they started sending the emails a couple of weeks ago, 4 to 5 A DAY!!!!!!
I went online this past week to remove my email address but it just keeps putting it back.
I haven't gotten any more emails but if I do, Im sending them a nasty email.
I can see an email reminder once a month or so to say "Hey, we're still here". But 4 to 5 a day for 2 weeks straight is a little to much and somewhat abusive.
dfwwino I only use good clean meat myself now, but when I was young every scrap of food was valuable, even if it wasn't a choice cut. Bullets ripping through a deer(or anything else) tend to leave a few pieces less than desireable.
NW -Masta must be OK because he posted in the beer section a couple days ago.
If you smelled the cooking of the loin or roast chunked up then tenderized, rolled in bread crumbs the fry in butter and onion, Mmmmmm Nothing bad about that.
Following up with OilnH20, you should try that in a nice Sangwitch, served with some MedPretzels!
I takea fewnice v steaks, rub them with some Mojo and let sit for a while. Then I take and marinade in a secret mixture for a couple hours and throw on the grill. Don't overcook..... serves ME! Only thing is the rest of the crew wrestles me down and steal them on me every time........................
Feed the deer corn, soybeans, wheat, oats and alfalfa...
Marinade in wine/soy sauce/white pepper/fresh garlic.....
Serve with wine...[much wine]
Wonder where everybody is these days....
Only one thing that smells worse to me than boiled venison (just boiled enough to get the blood out) and that is the smell of boiling chicken. It reminds me of the scalding water from dunking the chickens before plucking them of their feathers. I told ya we was poor....... At least I didn't need to behead the chickens with an axe!
Just to clarify, it isn't my forum and I really don't have anything to do with it anymore. I am/was just a moderator with limited privileges.I have people mail me with issues all the time but Iwas never given administrative permissions to fix the problems and I have no better response from the owners than anyone else.
Basically all I can do and believe was recruited to do was tohide spam posts from the forums. I can't delete, add or fix anything. I don't even know why they put the forum up. All they care about is beer and have pro baby the largest and most active beer forum. I emailed a few time to remove me as a Moderator with no reply or action.
As to the topic of the thread, I too wonder what happen to a few regulars. Some move to other forums. Some just give up the hobby all together, some just get too busy to post regular. I rarely go to that "Other Big Forum" but when I do a see a few that were regulars here over there posting up a storm. In fairness there is a ton of great info there but you have to put up with attitudes and stigmasto get that info. Edited by: smurfe
There are three forums I read regular, but this is always the first place I go. Its great here. Everyone realizes that they were newbies too, and there is a lot of patience here as well as experience.
Thanks to all the mods and admins as well as regular members for running a class site.
I for one knew you weren't really happy with that forum and I know you don't have much to do with them. It just struck me as funny that I tried for two months just to be able to log in with no response from the Forum owners when e-mailing them. Then out of the blue- they miss me horribly
That other big forum is really impersonal. A good share of the regular posters are borderline rude and if your opinion isn't theirs, you are wrong. I go there because they have a larger list of grape growers or at least folks who make wine from whole grapes. Only thing is most of them are snobbish about the only real grape is a vinifera grape. Recently one grower asked what experience growers have with plastic mulch. I responded about my experience with it at Willsboro and was pretty much blasted for using it. I am not the one that installed it and I had even pointed out some pitfalls to it. I mentioned I use a hoe for weed control and was told they don't even know which end is which on a hoe.
That's what I like about this forum, you can always speak your opinion without ridicule.