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Just had a wisdom tooth extracted. That was fun. I can't complain though. In 1966 when I was 18, serving in Japan, the Navy dentist told me I should have my wisdom teeth removed. I said no thank you, I'll keep them. Well it took 44 years before I needed one removed. :D
Racked my Strawberry Delight of the minimal amount of lees remaining and decided to try out the Buon Vino Mini Jet filter I recently picked up. Wow is that thing great. The strawberry was clear before it sparkles not. I also ran my son's mead through the filter since it was out. Again, big difference in presentation.
Gots to rack my Chard tomorrow as it went dry already! .994 in 4 days in 66* temps with Cotes des Blanc! Thats a record for me and I really didnt want it to ferment so fast, hopefully it retained the fruitiness I was looking for.
Picking up 3 6gal carboys tomorrow, geting all 3 for 30$!!! Thank you Kijiji!! :tz:db:tz:db
Gots to rack my Chard tomorrow as it went dry already! .994 in 4 days in 66* temps with Cotes des Blanc! Thats a record for me and I really didnt want it to ferment so fast, hopefully it retained the fruitiness I was looking for.

Wade I feel your pain.
My Niagara went from 1.08 to 1.01 at 60* in 3 days.
My Concord went from1.08 to 1 in at 72* in 3 days.
My Fredonia went from1.08 to 1.001 at 72* in 2 days.
All using Cotes des Blanc, if I had known they would drop that fast I would have put the Concord and the Fredonia in the cold room with the Niagara.
Wade I feel your pain.
My Niagara went from 1.08 to 1.01 at 60* in 3 days.
My Concord went from1.08 to 1 in at 72* in 3 days.
My Fredonia went from1.08 to 1.001 at 72* in 2 days.
All using Cotes des Blanc, if I had known they would drop that fast I would have put the Concord and the Fredonia in the cold room with the Niagara.

I wish I could just get my cider going! My Niagara and Cocord also went quick using the ec 1118
See, EC1118 is supposed to go fast and strong, Cotes des Blanc has always been a nice fizzy slow going yeast, Ive never ever seen a cap with it before and to see it with this batch at 66* shocked me, maybe it actually prefers cooler temps cause Ive never used the CDR in cooler temps, its always been the Premier Cuvee or Champagne and I actually thought I was chancing it this time knowing that CDR is usually a slow starter and gentle yeast. This took right off and never stopped.
Early this morning I racked 3 of my wines, Syrah, Merlot and Cab. Sauv. I blended most of them and wound up with 8 different types. Traditional blends. When I was finished I blended the 3 into a slurry and started a sketer pee. I'll let you know how this turns out but it smells great.

My sour apple skeeter will be racked today along with the other 7 buckets. Possible a few more blends.
This is what I've been doing past few days, it's hot but man they are getting ripe and there are sooooooooo many of them

These could be Bilberries, Sirs. They just came out of season here in N. Fla...treat them as you would blueberries. They are good for improving sight as the British Air fleet used to eat these berries prior to nightflight, unless you drink too much of the wine, right?
This evening, I'm bottleing my Pinot Griggio and Peach Sauvignon Blanc...also having a new winemaker over to gibve a hand and see how it's'done ;)
These could be Bilberries, Sirs. They just came out of season here in N. Fla...treat them as you would blueberries. They are good for improving sight as the British Air fleet used to eat these berries prior to nightflight, unless you drink too much of the wine, right?

No they are muscadines
Gots to rack my Chard tomorrow as it went dry already! .994 in 4 days in 66* temps with Cotes des Blanc! Thats a record for me and I really didnt want it to ferment so fast, hopefully it retained the fruitiness I was looking for.

Mine went fast this year also. It is warm but fermentation started really fast and that was 12 hours after I added the pectic enzyme.

I did once they reached 1.000 snap on a lid with a #2 bung and airlock on. Check gravity each day, then stirred to bring up CO2 and snapped lid back on. Once they got lower I just left lid on and gave them 2 days.

Been racking late last night, early today and now I just have my 3 whites to do. It is a lot of work but very exciting. Now if I can just find room to put these, now I can't get to my big freezer chest. Guess I gotta bottle some more like Runningwolf and make room.
Came home from work and transferred 3 buckets of juice into carboys. I need to get the other 2 that are dry transferred either tonight or tomorrow so that they are done before vacation. I'll check the chablis over the weekend and likely transfer it also. I would imagine it will be ready by then.

The basement is starting to look like a wine area now with full carboys sitting on the bench.:db
Washed the truck and vaccumed it out, washed my son's car, changed the oil and greased the front end. Checked the sg on my chablis, it is below 1.00 already carrying hydrometer and spoon up stairs, wahsed them off dryed the hydrometer, slid back into tube and watched it slide out the other side. I knew I should have bought a 2nd one last week when I thougfht about it. Guess I'll be buying 2 next week.

Need to transfer 2 more buckets of juice this afternoon.
dang Doug, come wash n vaccume MY car now :) its a pig sty atm!! LOL

im tryin to catch up around the house. the puppies are napping, and i did the grocery shopping, just swept and did dishes . need to do my birds cage....

my daughter is driving me abso-freaking-loutly NUTS! i swear it seems she started 3rd grade and lost her ever loving mind!!! not only has she been a brat last week but today she is just not using that brain!!! and shes grounded for 3 weeks so im stuck dealing with it!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!! yall think shes driving me nuts on pourpose so ill tell her to go play with her friends??? dang!! 2 weeks left to go, lets see if i make it LMAO!!

work is going well... very insanly busy and i like that.. i dont like the surgeons who think they are God but i just ignore them or smile sweetly whilst thinking "*******" and move on to other business LOL!

the puppies are gettin FAT! their eyes are open now and they are starting to play. they love ears and tails the best even though ive got at least 15 toys in there LMAO! so every here n there i here a YIP or BARK or whiiiiiiinnneeee when one gets got! can't wait till those teeth come in LOL!!!! they love to cuddle and will just lie on ya and sleep right now its a great wind down after a busy stress filled day! wish they could stay this small forever!!!

oh well id better get going and finish playing catch up, i just wanted yall to know im still kicking ...just busier than a racoon at a sugar eating contest!!

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