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Working the last day of my week. We are taking off for camping this evening after work and won't return until Sunday.
We paint faces at the Moundville Native American Festival.
They just did a $5M dollar renovation on the museum.
I did a beaded wampum belt for the Chief figure (on the left).

i think they have better pics on their Facebook page (that's where this one came from).
I Bottled Raspberry blush and RJS Cru Select Italian Chianti Riserva today. Toy Box arrived from George today with RJS CranApple Chardonnay and RJS Orange Chocolate Port among some other doodads!

finished picking 6 buckets of muscadines....man it's hard to pick and eat at the same time
work has been nuts but im gettin the hang of it ...i think :S
pups are gettin big!!! and SO cute!! we have 3 on deposit and only 4 left to home and i have not advertised yet!! i know 3+4=7 and yall thought i had 8 right??? wellllll ........................were keeping one!!!!!! We are keeping the only chocolate she had! we figure this is her last litter we might as well keep one this time or never have the op again! Shes the runt of the litter, and we named her Gumbo! shes just precious! They are 3 weeks old tomorrow.
Works been pretty good so far. A lot of studying and reading of the law. A lot of driving. At least I get a county government car.
Still planning on cleaning some of the 15 cases of bottle from Serpent Ridge. Gotta bottle some wines and stabilize the concord wine.
Tonight is for relaxing though.
I'll be dining on my 20th TV dinner today for the past 23 days. Getting a tad tired of them I must say.:s

WOW I think I would be taking road trips and eating at some decent places.

Today I am stripping freaking wallpaper. Just went and rented a steamer because its not going well. Waiting for djsteve to stop by on his way up to Walkers to get give me a break!
WOW I think I would be taking road trips and eating at some decent places.

intestinal fortitude
Definition: strength of will
Synonyms: backbone, balls, brass balls, chutzpah, courage, endurance, energy, fitness, fortitude, guts, gutsiness, heart, moxie, spunk, stamina, staying power, stick-to-it-iveness, strength, toughness, vigor, wind

Wait a minute, wind? Hmmm. that explains that.
Celebrating my completion of the H&R Block Income Tax Course, took final exam last night. Now I need to decide whether to use that training only to do my own tax return (rather than paying H&R several hundred $) or to agree to work for H&R thru the upcoming tax season. That was a much more demanding course than I initially expected (84 hrs class time, more than that for homework and study!), so part of me says I need to get more use (and $) out of it. I’m enjoying retirement, but a few months work might be fun; also, I’m not much of a winter-lover (even Louisiana winters) so there’s not much I’d be missing during tax season…

Mourning the loss of a long-time friend and (former) work colleague. I got a call last evening informing me that she was killed yesterday morning as she drove to work; apparently she drove into the path of an oncoming train. She was only in her mid-40’s, left behind a husband and three teenage kids. You really just never know when your time will run out!

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