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I transfered 5 gallons of spiced apple and 4.5 gallons of cyser to secondary. At 1.01 and still fermenting, the cyser is delicious. I've been fermenting all kinds of things for 7 years, yet I never tried honey until now. What was I thinking????? :slp
I transfered 5 gallons of spiced apple and 4.5 gallons of cyser to secondary. At 1.01 and still fermenting, the cyser is delicious. I've been fermenting all kinds of things for 7 years, yet I never tried honey until now. What was I thinking????? :slp

LOL, apparently not honey!
Spent the day at Corning museum of Glass and then had just enough time to hit the Finger lakes for one stop. We hit Bulle Hill Winery. Wow what a beautiful area. Now I am watching Penn State kick Michigans ***.

Spent the day at Corning museum of Glass

That is a really cool museum, did you sit in on the glass blowing demo?
then had just enough time to hit the Finger lakes for one stop. We hit Bulle Hill Winery

Did you get the tour there? I hear it's quite an interesting story.
I did watch the glass bowing demo. I am good for about one hour in a museum. We went with another couple so four hours there after a three hour drive to get there was a killer! We got to the winery 20 minutes before they closed so we could not get a tour. The scenery alone was well worth it.
Had to go to Sioux City Iowa and buy some part for my car this morning then came home and got it fixed then started cleaning up the house yard still have more to do
had just enough time to hit the Finger lakes for one stop. We hit Bulle Hill Winery.

As a matter of fact Dan I am sitting here drinking a bottle of Bully Hill "Love my goat" Awesome area and not to far for us PAers..
Transferring 15 gallons of Skeeter Pee to Demijohn.

Handing out candy, we usually get about 300 kids. They come to our neighborhood from all over town. I should start handing out vegatables instead of candy.
gave out treats all day .we only get about 50 kids but i can't leave .now i'mhaving a glass of wine.
watching Walking Dead awesome show........... no kids showed up here funny thnig they never do, not sure why...... could be we're like 1/4 mile from road with no lights outside LOL
Watched that, too Sirs. My wife upstairs and me and my 12y.o. son and 2 y.o. son. My 2 y.o. wasn't scared. he knows you gotta shoot zombies in the head to kill em and everything. LOL.

Went to a Fall Festival this after noon and Trunk-or-Treat tonight.
10 yo Daughter - Fairy
12 yo Son - Jax from Sons of Anarchy
3 yo Son - Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th

Great Halloween.
oh me and David went and picked little over 250 pounds of muscadines today
was a nice day for picking too
oh me and David went and picked little over 250 pounds of muscadines today
was a nice day for picking too

I went looking for some the other day, birds and critters got 'em all this year!!! Ugh, guess I'll wait til Dad's crop comes in good next year and barter some from him.
well racked over my bronze muscadines today and will probly mix them with another batch I've got as it is abit strong in body and the other is just abit sweeter than I want so it should mix good as this one is bone-dry at .992. Also crushed up another 8 gallon of mixed muscadines got nobles, carlos and reds looks to be a real pretty dark blush. If thats possible lol
This is what a day with Eddie ("Sirs") will bring. Great day Eddie, Thanks again.

let me guess Muscadine?

Ding, Ding, Ding, you win! Come on over next summer and you will get a bottle!

Oh I am drooling but I have some fermenting and that makes me happy :db

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