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Troy - How cool it is to be able to see all of that wildlife on a daily basis. Cool but I wouldn't give up my running water for it. Plus I like my day light this time of year.

Julie - Thanks for the invitation, I am sure there are plenty of folks on here that would have loved to of joined you for those wings. We even would have filled your wine racks!

Wade - only if you lived closer. I have a perfectly good 32" I am trying to give away. Got a Sony flat screen for Christmas my wife got at Walmart on black Friday. That is definitely the place to go now for tv's.

Today I picked up a Heron Bay Cabernet Merlot at Presque Isle Wine Cellars. After I finish washing the 2 cases of bottles I started yesterday I am going to start this Merlot and a W E South African Chenin Blanc I got for Christmas.
Just got done making a double batch of pizza dough. After helping with the rest of the ingredient list I think I'll start on another round of bottle washing. I'm starting to get too many unwashed bottles piling up around here for some reason.
:( :( :(
Waiting all day since 7:30 Am ( now 4:30) for the "GEEK SQUAD" to come and fix my tv.
As you all know I make alot of wine. Only once did I have to "dump" any :b :pty
I had to go buy a tv, problem is that they dont sell the normal ones I was used to(you know the ones that take up a lot of room in the back, Tubed?) So had to get a flat screen as thats all they sell know and they are much wider and skinnier then what I had designed this entertainment center for many years ago. I had to get out my saw and do some serious reconfiguring on that unit and then play around with the ball of spaghetti behind it from my dvd/vcr combo, stereo, and surround sound center. What a freakin disaster! Ended up with a Vizio 32" 1080p 60hz from Walmart. Must say its a nice TV though and the kids are happy also. Then of course had to re program the universal remote!:slp
....Julie - Thanks for the invitation, I am sure there are plenty of folks on here that would have loved to of joined you for those wings. We even would have filled your wine racks!....

My son went to Edinboro U and I know it is only an 1 1/2 hour drive straight down 79 then 228 to Saxonburg. Everyone is welcome to our house, especially on Christmas. :hug Our wings are good, I make a dynamite buffalo sauce.

Wade - we had to buy a new TV at the beginning of the year and we went with a 46" Visio. The Visio is a good TV and you can not beat the price.

I also make a GREAT Buffalo Wing sauce. Went thru 10# of wings at a recent party in 30 min. Guess they liked it LOL! :i
Still a no show from the Geek squad yesterday. Now they say Monday AM to fix my TV :m
That sucks Tom, I have to have them or someone look at my daughters lap top. I cant even seem to get i into safe mode and honestly dont know what to do with partioned drives instaed of not reloading everything off a disc.
well good luck with them !
I spent 3+ hours on the phone for a total of 5 calls to find out where the tech is. The appt. was 8-12AM and at 5PM still gave all sorts of excuses
Tom I know your frustrations. I set up my new Sony flat screen then the remote for Dish Satellite wouldn't work. The volume and on/off worked but not the channel changer or picture. Fortunately I was able to get tech support on line and the stepped me through it. Hope your boys get there Monday. To go through the weekend with out the TV stinks.
Not to worry I have others just alot smaller. An old 25" vs a 40" LCDHD. Of course its in a room that is not as comfortable.
Well since my wide scrreen is out I racked all you see below. Oh my back! Guess a little homebrew should help while watching football. What do you think? I have Sierra Nevada and Bass clones on tap.
Youre crazy, thats more then I would rack in a month, actually thats more then I usually make a year!
YEP! crazy..
Thats on top of bottling 5 cases yesterday. Now 24 hrs later upright I need to case them and bring to my wine cellar so they wont be lonely.. LOL !
What do you think it is? The wine needed to be racked...