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Larry, I havent seen a Fiero on the road in awhile but just yesterday when I went shopping and there was a screaming hot pink one with gull doors like that blue one in your picture. I think my daughter fell in love with it within 1 1/2 seconds!
Larry, I havent seen a Fiero on the road in awhile but just yesterday when I went shopping and there was a screaming hot pink one with gull doors like that blue one in your picture. I think my daughter fell in love with it within 1 1/2 seconds!

Here's a little better picture of the blue Fiero:

Picked 20 pounds of cherries today. Trees were pretty well picked over so it took a while. Below is the machine Walkers use to pit your cherries. It is an old 1928 Olive pitter.

Elderberry plants

Going up to Gavins Point Dam in Yankton SD then stop by an antique shop and snoop around then on the way back home stop by a green house maybe bring home more fruit bushes to plant around the vineyard

Well we made it home this afternoon when we were at the green house I got five elderberry bushes for ten dollars

This is where all the pits ended up. The cherries are washed as they get pitted.



Behind the machine you can see all the hose bibs for all of the different juices you can buy there.

I gave up on my MLF on the Chilean malbec and Carmenere. It hasn't moved in three months and appears to be at about 120ppm. I added the k-meta and 60 grams of oak to each. The Maple syrup wine was stabilized a few Weeks ago and I added another qt of maple syrup to it today as an f-pack. I hope it improves as I am not impressed right now. Racked the Island Mist Blackberry cab (step 3) and added 750ml of 2010 Blueberry to it. This is projected to be carbonated. The Candy Cane wine......well so far death by toilet bowl cleaner.
I...... The Candy Cane wine......well so far death by toilet bowl cleaner.

Holy crap are you serious. I just took a taste of mine a couple of days ago, the chocolate is coming throu and it is really tasting like a peppermint patty. I am very happy with mine. I'll give you a bottle.
Smoking some meat, did the lawn and went fishing this mirning and caught A trout. That was all I really needed for dinner tomorrow as I caught 3 on Saturday. Now Im just sitting hetre having a few beers, one of my kegs was pretty much frozen and couldnt pour!! I have the dang fridge down pretty low but lowered it some more. That was the beer I really wanted to drink!!!!! :m
I got my peach wine started today and tomorrow evening I will pitch the yeast. The primary smells really good so far.
My Candy Cane wine came out GREAT !

I need to start some of this. About how long did it take from primary to bottling? I guess what i'm asking is would it be ready by Christmas?
I started an Orchard Breezin Blueberry shiraz as its my Moms fav wine and I was out, she yelled at me yesterday for that!!!! LOL