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You go, Dan! I want to try one of the chocolate ports. Orange sounds interesting. I was discussing that with my step-son over some Cab Sauv last night.

I'm at work today. No fires so far...knock-knock on wood. Put up some decorations for our annual Christmas party tomorrow. I wonder if Santa would bring me a chocolate port kit. I'll ask him tomorrow, lol. The poor guys won't know what the heck I'm talking about!
I racked my second batch of Wild Plum into the secondary today I followed Wade's recipe except I didn't have any grape concentrate so I use four cans of Welches grape concentrate on the first batch and on the second batch I used four cans of Welches white grape concentrate what a difference in color between the two
My La Bodega Port came with 2 packs as well. Thats a ALOT of Port!

You go, Dan! I want to try one of the chocolate ports. Orange sounds interesting. I wonder if Santa would bring me a chocolate port kit. I'll ask him tomorrow, lol. The poor guys won't know what the heck I'm talking about!

Mike I have good friends. One of them offered to buy two OCP's if I made one for him. I was with another couple eating dinner and said I was trying to decide over the apple or coffee and they handed me a check to buy one and said get both of them. With that said, my friends get plenty of wine to drink. It's just a real bonus when people show their appreciation.

Dave these kits are special editions that only come out once a year and they have to be preordered. Some stores will order extra. I would call George at Fine Vine Wines and see if he happens to have any extra left.
Id really like to try the coffee port one of these days. There are just to many wines I need to replace right now. I did just place an order with George for the MM Impressions Barolo.
Dan, did you ever try the W.E. Choc Rasp kit?
Mike I have good friends. One of them offered to buy two OCP's if I made one for him. I was with another couple eating dinner and said I was trying to decide over the apple or coffee and they handed me a check to buy one and said get both of them. With that said, my friends get plenty of wine to drink. It's just a real bonus when people show their appreciation.

So far, my friends have shown a great appreciation for free wine. I'm baiting them in for some kits real soon. They get a taste, then they have to get involved. ;)

Dave these kits are special editions that only come out once a year and they have to be preordered. Some stores will order extra. I would call George at Fine Vine Wines and see if he happens to have any extra left.

Ok, I'll give George a call!
Today I started a Cranapple Chardonnay. This along with the ports I did yesterday were all RJS CRU Specialty Kits I got from George at Fine Vine Wines a few months ago. Being a very small kit it is probably one of the best of the them and is only offered by preorder once a year. It makes a fantastic Christmas Wine.
ok question how do you tell how old a kit is? I mean do they have made on date or use by date??
Yes they do Eddie, they are in code for the most part but under each manufacturer here I have a link which breaks down the code for you.
i myself just labeled a batch I bottled the other day, and am dumping out a few batches of fruit wines that are very old and probably no good, 1 of them looks discolored now and the other has been through hell in my cellar from when I first started and went through many temp changes and wasnt that great to begin wit nd I need the room for good stuff. I can also use the bottles as Im starting to get low. I think I may start buying bottles from here on in, maybe!
one is suntwist peach cider and the other is a winexpert creme sherry
you wouldn't happen to know where to check the codes for these would you??
I have no idea about that Suntwist Cider but the W.E. kit would be easy. Here is how the code will read.

They break down like this: 00/195/07 0267
00 The first two digits are for internal use: ignore.
195 The next three digits indicate the day it was produced, in this case the 195th day of the year, which is July 14.
07 The next two digits are the last two digits of the year, in this case 2007.
0267 The last four digits show which particular kit of that batch this kit is: in this case, the 267th kit out of about 600.
This was my weekend to fix breakfest for the wife so that is how I started my day then I got to go out and fire up the snowblower for the first time this year when I got back into the house I was going to start my Elderberry wine but the wife talked me into doing the Blueberry/Elderberry wine so that is started and my red grapes are in the primary thawing out and that will also get started this week now I am just sittling here enjoying a glass of Elderberry wine
Today I started a Cranapple Chardonnay. This along with the ports I did yesterday were all RJS CRU Specialty Kits I got from George at Fine Vine Wines a few months ago. Being a very small kit it is probably one of the best of the them and is only offered by preorder once a year. It makes a fantastic Christmas Wine.

When you rack the Coffee Port from the primary to secondary using the new, revised instructions you're going to come up short on your 3 gallon carboy. I went with 2, 1-gallon jugs a 750 and a split.
Thats an incredible loss for a 3G batch. What do the "revised instructions" say that make you toss 3/4 gallon of good wine?
They give you a 1.5 liter (I think) flavor pack that they, now, don't want you to add until the wine is "clear". You'll eventually get your 3 gallons (plus) but not until you clear the wine after secondary. I'm guessing they believe the fining agents will strip the wine of its flavor, etc.
They give you a 1.5 liter (I think) flavor pack that they, now, don't want you to add until the wine is "clear". You'll eventually get your 3 gallons (plus) but not until you clear the wine after secondary. I'm guessing they believe the fining agents will strip the wine of its flavor, etc.

I did read that Flem and didn't give it any thought yet. I guess when I get t that point I be using the 'oll argone.
SNOW Day!!!!!!!!

100% chance of SNOW the whole darn day. Very slow moving storm to boot. :db

Winter Storm Warning till Tuesday at noon. Looks like I will get to fire up that new snow thrower I bought last Winter. Coming down hard and heavy ATM and blowing hard. I got the Xmas lights up late yesterday PM. Good thing as the roof had just cleared off from the last blast that hit on Saturday morning early.

Perhaps its a good day to bottle that LaBodega Port! :ib
I did read that Flem and didn't give it any thought yet. I guess when I get t that point I be using the 'oll argone.

Yeah, I kinda' figured you'e use the argon. My little can of spray isn't quite enough to keep it protected. Sometime I'd like you to put together a list of what I need to get an Argon setup like yours. :D