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Marly, make sure you keep it warm like around 75 and stir in constantly as this kit is a problem child bu is worth the trouble to do.
Started another side job which will continue it this weekend. Word of mouth is getting out so Ill be a busy man hopefully very soon.
Wade since you are getting busy and I am becoming a displaced worker soon can I have your carboys. I really don't see you having any time for wine. Anyone agree with me? :a1
Since Im too busy to bottle my wine your going to have to do that before taking them away.
That would not be a problem. LOL Actually it would be kind of fun going to each others house and assist in bottling and make a party out of it, bottle, label and capsule. I could see advantages of local clubs in towns where you have them.
The volcano wasn't that bad. I was being careful, just not quite enough. Lost less than half a liter.

Glad to hear you have some side work, Wade. I've got a little but am putting it off while I putter at our place. I've been upgrading the wiring in my shop for a new tool and will be building a bed tomorrow. Building furniture is almost as much fun as making booze.
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I bought a Bridgewood 8" jointer. A BWJ8 to be exact. It's been sitting in the garage for a few weeks pending a new circuit in the shop to power it. Had to replace the subpanel first, though.
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Today, since I've been given a load of frozen mixed berries, I will be playing in my wine room.
Booo Hoooo

Just spoke with my son for the last time until he arrives over seas. He was supposed to fly into Maine then onto Germany but they are now flying straight into Germany then onto their destination. It's going to be a gloomy afternoon.:(
Today is my final LGA class. I cannot wait. After I get home if i have time I'll stop at the Brew Store and get some energizer, some nutrient, and some 1118 yeast then hopefully get my Skeeter Pee started...
Big shop today. Groannnnnnnnnnnnnn. Still, I'll visit the local homebrew shop for new toys too.:h
It's a beautiful sunny day here and I'm glad because we have to do some traveling for our son's final hockey tournament .Actually suppose to be nice here for the next few days :h .I was hoping to go to the wine shop in the city between games but now we have some people traveling with us that are very religious & non-drinkers so not comfortable taking them along to there . Oh well will have to go another day .
Today, I dodge a bullet. I almost had to be the toady for beer making but Mike had some other thing he needed to do before he can start. Something with his equipment. In case no one noticed, I'm not really interested in beer but he helps me so I'll help him. :i

Racked the watermelon and added the strawberry I made to one of the carboys. I have 2 - 6 gallon and 1 - 3 gallon of watermelon going.

Last night watched the movie "Up In The Air" - DAN DON'T WATCH IT, it is about this guy (George Clooney) flying all over the US eliminating jobs. I'm not sure if you would see the humor in that. You know, I'm just trying to watch out for you. :hug Besides, I'm still seeing way too many carboys sitting under your table.
Today I racked my Trio Blanco that finally cleared and White Zinfandel. They both tasted real good and I added 5 oz of liquid gold to both of them.

Julie, regardless that movie sounded good. Unbelievable, I organized three hiring events in three communities over the last four weeks. I am doing 2-3 orientations every week for the last month and working six days a week 12-15 hours each. Hiding behind that happy face saying what a great company it is with lots of opportunities. Yet, in two weeks mine and 1000 other jobs are completely eliminated. I wonder how many other people could or would do that.Oh well maybe the hamster and I can email each other in the early morning hours then...LMAO.
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