Just started the fermentation process on my two 5 gallon hot packs of Fredonia I got from Walker's Wine Juice in Forestville NY. I also got cooking (fermenting) two 5 gallon hot packs of Catawba, but that was started March 18, 2012. I bottled a wine kit of Blackberry Merlot few weeks ago, that has turned out very good. It seems to get better after each bottle I open (the aging of each bottle and wondering if I'll have any left before it ages properly). I've only started this in March of this year. I'm still new, my neighbor got me started. Thought I would start out slowly (one box to start and see if I like this new hobby). That didn't last long, I'm thinking of getting another box of Blackberry Merlot to make sure I don't run out of wine waiting for the Catawba and Fredonia. Already converted a walk in closet to a wine making closet..... will it every end? Now I need more stuff, bottles, corkers (floor model), filter system, etc......