Went to Lowes and bought an inexpensive but fairly well made plastic cabinet to use to cold stabilize my wine(s) I can fit 3- 5 gallon carboy and 2 1/2 gallon jugs.
Moscato is first on the list, just need to naturally clarify it and start making Spumante.
using Sparkolloid (thanks Dave) to clarify Lambrusco and Pinot Noir.
I is really amazing what one month can do to a wine, one month ago i was apprehensive about a few batches, today, I tasted all of them, and I am very happy with the results, a few minor adjustments and these will rock. I have to say, the Amarone was real good right after fermentation....now....pfffft....my wife and I agree, we haven't tasted a better wine, this is absolutely the best wine I've had. It may not suit everyone's taste, but damn....we are enjoying it!
I am glad I logged everything down in Brew Trax.