"I am deathly afraid of needles since I was a young boy, so I have to be on death's doorstep before I willingly take an injection."
The humor in the Army is memorable. If you all will indulge me, this reminds me of an amusing incident from when I was in Basic Training for the Army. In Basic, you get a number of shots, both from needles and from the "pressure jet" that forced the medicine through the skin with air pressure and without the use of a needle. They had these guns set up so that multiple drugs could be administered at one time, as I remember, up to four. Well, we were all lined up going into the medic's building and a guy about three in front of me took one look at the gun and fainted dead away. A medic from somewhere in the South (seemed like everyone in the Army was from the South) was holding the injector pointing up about shoulder high, looks down at the unconscious soldier and slowly says, "You don't die now, Son. That comes later."