I've had A LOOOOOONG Week/weekend (so far)! Thursday went to GFS for the food for my sister's baby shower, Friday decorated for baby shower, Firday Night prepared and/or cooked taco bar food for 70+ ppl. Saturday executed said baby shower.
Everything went smoothly, I've never seen so many gift! Guests loved the games. The date night basket (which had a white grape peach tropical DB anda quad-berry DB) and spa pampering basket (included a blueberry-Pom)were well received. Guests that won the door prizes and runner up prizes received a bottle of Strawberry DB backsweetend with bacardi strawberry mixer AKA LIL' Pink Penguin, were stoked to get a bottle. In fact I had people texting me well past midnight (because of the UK game) about it!
My cousin who works at the winery/B and B finally came through and brought me 3 1/2 boxes of empties! YAY, I'm finally stocked for a minute!
Plus we had sooooo much leftover food, that I'm not cooking for a few days. When we have a party, we ROLL-OUT the buffet!
****The Rant Part****
My sister said thank you publicly several times to me, but I'm still waiting on my mom's thank-you. I mean, I bought ALL the food and drinks, except 4 cupcakes AND COOKED all but 2 things that just needed to be put in a crock pot. You have no idea how much chopping is involved with a taco bar for 70 ppl... tomatoes and onions.... ugggggh! Designed printed and assembled 70 cupcake toppers 70 water bottles w/ custom labels, the pages for the games, and 100 invitations. Also provided table runners, centerpieces, several bottles of wine, 2 gift baskets, a $20 gift certificate, and a PHOTO BOOTH for Pete's sake!
At one point, setting up for the party, she snapped at me for not having the photo booth set up. I snapped back with "I've done everything else! I'll get this done too!" And she was like "What do you mean everything else?" WHAAAAT?!?!?! I don't want to shove an expensive peice of equipment into the back of a car, photo booths aren't cheap, and I really don't want to damage it or the expensive touch screen monitor. Photo booth rental is part of our livelihood and she should be grateful that we let her use it free!
I think I did a LOT of work and saved her a TON of money, she really needs to show some appreciation.
****Rant Over****
I'm gonna go have some leftovers and clean bottles now.