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I am on my knees praying that the rain will blow out of here by Thursday. Got crush coming up and things will get very sloppy if the lawn does not dry out.

Not looking good here until Saturday afternoon.
Fifty, such an old man you are! Was there a picture of a cane among what your wife brought? I'm only 47, once you hit 50 you can count back 1 for each year. I'll be 46 here in two weeks or so. Happy B-day!
Fifty, such an old man you are! Was there a picture of a cane among what your wife brought? I'm only 47, once you hit 50 you can count back 1 for each year. I'll be 46 here in two weeks or so. Happy B-day!

Gee, thanks, Craig, but the only cane I need is a racking cane! I can still hoist and haul full carboys of wine and drag 150# fermenters around, so I'm not feeling 50 at all.

Seriously though, thanks for the wishes, I'd rather be home with my family for the big five oh, but duty calls.
Wow, very nice and somebody must REALLY like you unless she was spending your $$$ to begin with :)

Sounds like it was a fantastic celebration. I wish I was 50 still but I also do like the fact that I have only 24 months of "hard" labor left until I am out of here! :db


Incredible woman, brought pictures of my bday gifts on our trip, a Coravin wine system and a double magnum of 2002 Montelena Estate Cabernet Sauvignon, 1 of 150. I've been eying that bottle in a local restaurant for the last year, just didn't want to spend the $$. Yum!!
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John, too bad you and your hunting partner weren't riding shot gun on my way to visit @jgmann67 . I have to go through Pinchot State Park, there were a whole bunch of trucks lined up where the nice walking paths go back into the park, and a bunch of deer checking out the trucks. Saw at least 20 of them, couple look like they were growing some racks (not ****s, antlers).

Awesome you get some time with your hunting buddy. Those are times both of you will never forget, very cool! I'm envious.
Big day today. After work, started prepping my new 23 l and 40 l barrels for use. The wine in carboys is logjammed behind the barreling process. First wine into the new 23 l will be the WE LE Mosaic Red, first into the 40 l will be my double batch of Fourtitude fermented with the leftover pressings of the Brehm Zinfandel. Fourtitudes only a few months old, but sampling really well a couple of weeks ago. Mosaics 8 months old and a little blah at the moment.....
Started the day with 1/2 day vacation so I could attend a funeral. Having way too many of those in our church lately. At least the fog lifted to a beautiful Fall day. After work ran my 20 gallon brute down to vineyard owner Jeff so he could fill it up with some Cab Franc grapes he's picking on Wednesday morning. He was going to leave them go a bit longer but the deer are taking a liking to them since most of his other grapes are already harvested. I ordered 110 lbs, but he's unsure how much we will each get, since he makes quite a bit of wine for the winery with those grapes. I told him even if I got enough for a few gallons I'd be happy. We compared notes on last years Dornfelder and he also thought it could handle quite a bit of oak and will have to age at least another year until it is "good".
Racked the Viognier and 3 Country Cab from primary and racked the Lanza Cab and Petite Sirah off the gross lees. Thankful to say that after 3 busy weeks, I now have only one wine in primary - my Lanza Syrah grapes. Those will be pressed this weekend.
Thanks all. Unless it turns, the eye is supposed to pass by us about 70 miles out. We're expecting 60 mph gusts and 5 to 10 inches of rain. And probably lose power.
Sighted in my 1874 Sharps rifle, black powder, plain lead bullet 525 grains, 45-90 cal. Getting ready for next weekend opener for deer. Looking forward, optimistically, to some deer steaks, jerky and sausage.

Might save some of my grape vines in the process too!!:h