In a holding pattern waiting for the stove and kitchen. The girls (wifey, daughter and friend) are making cookies this morning. So I did a few wine chores (tasting and topping) while waiting to continue with my Sierra Nevada pale ale try #2 batch (extended mash in a cooler, still at 152*F, started around 155). Hope to shortly (ehem, honey, are you done yet?) continue with my beer batch. Should be able to fit in some cooking during the sparge and boil. Not sure if I'm making chicken parm or GF lasagna (Barilla has some new no-cook GF lasagna noodles I want to try). Either way I need to whip up a batch of a slow cooked ragú sauce they normally expect with a pasta dish. Feeling nice outside (supposed to reach around 50*F), so most of the snow should be melted by the end of the day (whoo ho!).