Recovering... Adult Prom followed by Karaoke at a downtown bar... up too late for my old arse. Planning to spend most of the day on the sofa, petting the dog. But, I do have 5 cases of chardonnay downstairs than need labels. Might get that done.
CHAMPIONS!!! So proud of these kids - truly a team.
Do they get to move on into tournament play as a team or do they pick an "all star" team from all the teams to represent the league in tournament play?
Of those who self-nominated for the tournament (all star) team, the players vote. 8 players are chosen based on voting, with the coaches choosing the remaining 3-4. Then it's 6-7 days a week of baseball until mid July - longer if they go farther.
With us, many many ears ago, it was 6-7 days of 2 a day practices.
Had to dump three 1/2 gallon jugs of topping off wine, I totally neglected to sulfite, live and learn. Heading out for a round of golf then per the recommendation of @Boatboy24 going to Cooper's Hawk Winery.
Reston or Loudon? I like the Loudon location much better.
Total Wine run this morning.
Ha! A few bottles of Faux Wine! LOL That is one thing I dislike about TW. Lots and lots of wines that are nothing more than bottled bulk wines. Guess who bought the entire lot of excess bulk wine and had somebody bottled it up for them....... TW!
100% profit for them, no middle man, no three tier system (Winery ----> Wholesaler -----> Retailer)
Instead its (Winery ----> Retailer)
Had to dump three 1/2 gallon jugs of topping off wine, I totally neglected to sulfite, live and learn. Heading out for a round of golf then per the recommendation of @Boatboy24 going to Cooper's Hawk Winery.
5 months in half gallon jugs. Terrible VA smell.How long did they sit without sulphite?