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I heard through social media our local stores were getting cleaned out all day yesterday. People have moved on from TP and paper towels to every staple known to mankind. Got up this AM during a pouring rain and went to see what was left. Meat dept 95% cleaned out, cheese 80% gone, produce 25% gone, milk 60% gone, rice and beans 90% gone, dried cup-o-noodles 100% gone. I picked up a few staples and got out. It looked like Xmas eve as far as the crowd size and it was only 7AM. Lot was full when normally it would be empty at this time of day pretty much. We have gone from zero positive cases to 10 positive in only two days. All had traveled to hot spots. Only 1 case in ICU. Today is the last day of school for 3 weeks for the entire State of NM. We were supposed to leave on Sunday to drive out to SoCal for our grand daughters 2nd BD but decided to wait. We have about a week still as we were going to go out early. Things are going to either be a lot worse or hopefully better and perhaps we can make the attempt. I don't have much hope that things will be better by then so I think it will be a month or more before we can safely make the trip.

I hope we don't end up like Italy but IMHO we very well could. There are some really interesting articles out there about why China got things under control so quickly and why Europe and the West will probably not be so lucky.

Stay safe everybody.
I'm about to leave The University of Alabama in Huntsville for a pre-planned half-day off. Beginning Monday, we are on remote classes so students and faculty will NOT be on campus. BUT WE STAFF WILL!!! lol.

Alabama has just reported its first confirmed COVID-19 case but I know there are thousands. Fewer than 50 Alabamians have even been tested. There are four exposed individuals in Huntsville not sick but self quarantined and one man who came back from Status 3 European countries and got sick who is awaiting a test result. His doc had to have the sample privately tested as he could not find anyone in state who would even test it.

Based on the symptoms, I believe I already had COVID-19 in January. All this and more, including many socioeconomic factors, are why I worry that the Southeast is going to be hit very hard.

Have a great weekend!

Yup. Most all of the universities in Louisiana are now shut down and going to online classes, and our governor just shut down all of the public K-12 schools in the state. Private schools and daycare facilities are quickly following suit. Just finished meeting with my office employees, we'll be doing daycare for our employees children in our conference room for the next 30 days.........
Probably wasn't clear but there were 3 speakers talking the three different approaches, natural, non sac to sac and Anchor.

Ahhhh I gotcha now. I thought it was some cool new multi-yeast fermenting strategy. And after the sacc nonsacc to bring it on home with precision using the very aptly nicknamed- “Anchor yeast”! Lol
Beginning Monday, our schools are closed for three weeks, then another week for Spring break. Word will supposedly be coming early next week regarding distance learning options - none of which will be required or graded. I went to Wegmans around noon today for the two or three things I forgot to grab yesterday. It was the day before Thanksgiving X 5! Absolutely crazy. No pasta, no oatmeal, no dry cereal that isn't sugar coated, no soup, only 3 bags of flour left. Crazy. They actually have TP back in stock, but are limiting to one pack per person.

Spent a bit of time with the Foodsaver. Seasoned and vac sealed 5+ lbs of BSB, 4lb of boneless, skinless thighs, a nice little 1lb tenderloin roast and a chuck roast. Already had some steaks and a rack of beef ribs in the freezer, so we're good for a bit. About to fire up the grill. Tonight it's a chimichuri skirt steak, Peruvian roasted potatoes and a salad.
I heard through social media our local stores were getting cleaned out all day yesterday. People have moved on from TP and paper towels to every staple known to mankind. Got up this AM during a pouring rain and went to see what was left. Meat dept 95% cleaned out, cheese 80% gone, produce 25% gone, milk 60% gone, rice and beans 90% gone, dried cup-o-noodles 100% gone. I picked up a few staples and got out. It looked like Xmas eve as far as the crowd size and it was only 7AM. Lot was full when normally it would be empty at this time of day pretty much.

I went to Wegmans around noon today for the two or three things I forgot to grab yesterday. It was the day before Thanksgiving X 5! Absolutely crazy. No pasta, no oatmeal, no dry cereal that isn't sugar coated, no soup, only 3 bags of flour left. Crazy. They actually have TP back in stock, but are limiting to one pack per person.

Our store was nothing like this. It was a little busy and supplies were a little low in a few areas, but nothing like what you observed. I was not sure if it wasn't just the normal near-dinner-time rush that I was seeing tonight.

Be well, people!
Our store was nothing like this. It was a little busy and supplies were a little low in a few areas, but nothing like what you observed. I was not sure if it wasn't just the normal near-dinner-time rush that I was seeing tonight.

Be well, people!

Absolute MAYHEM over here! Stood in the checkout line at Acme for an hour and a half! And a couple people in the neighborhood are confirmed infected! [emoji40]

Schools closed till mid April. Stay safe out there!

*they released an extensive report on all the whereabouts of the infected people from our neighborhood in the days leading to their diagnosis. And it was all in and around us. Just jumped a few ticks in realness for us
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Absolute MAYHEM over here! Stood in the checkout line at Acme for an hour and a half! And a couple people in the neighborhood are confirmed infected! [emoji40]

Schools closed till mid April. Stay safe out there!

*they released an extensive report on all the whereabouts of the infected people from our neighborhood in the days leading to their diagnosis. And it was all in and around us. Just jumped a few ticks in realness for us

Whoa! Good luck, AJ et alii!

To think I was annoyed that there was one person in front of me at the 4-plex self-checkout island...
Absolute MAYHEM over here! Stood in the checkout line at Acme for an hour and a half! And a couple people in the neighborhood are confirmed infected! [emoji40]

Schools closed till mid April. Stay safe out there!

*they released an extensive report on all the whereabouts of the infected people from our neighborhood in the days leading to their diagnosis. And it was all in and around us. Just jumped a few ticks in realness for us

Fingers crossed for ya, AJ.
Today? Well, just got my garage floor Ninja coated and painted the walls, gonna clean & move all my stuff back in. Then I’ll put my soil amendments into the garden and get the soil tilled, and prep a 15 lb brisket to go onto the Primo before bed tonite.
Do I need help ? I put my strawberry batch in second fermeter last week. Tested spec. gravity today and registered 1.000. Is something going on or should I just leave it? First time out in wine making. Never "foamed up" and I didn't de-gas.
Do I need help ? I put my strawberry batch in second fermeter last week. Tested spec. gravity today and registered 1.000. Is something going on or should I just leave it? First time out in wine making. Never "foamed up" and I didn't de-gas.

You would have to give us a lot more information to get any useful advice. What is in your batch? What SG did you start with?
thanks for the reply. strawberry liquid base. sg was 80 when started. when put in second fermeter was 1.010 room temp about 72* f base temp around 76* f Making my 1st batch.
Still hard to tell, I assume you meant 1.080 starting gravity. How long has it been fermenting? You probably still have some unfermented sugar in there. The general rule of thumb is it's considered finished if you get the same reading 3 days straight. For now it sounds like you are fine, just wait a little longer before stabilizing.
Reading up on poolish, biga, and levain. Trying to bring my bread to the next level.

thank you sir for the reply. the starting sg was 80 it has been in second tank for a week now. did not add any sugar
thank you sir for the reply. the starting sg was 80 it has been in second tank for a week now. did not add any sugar

We are asking what scale you are using for your SG measurements. Is it Brix, Plato, Oechsle, Balling? Or did you mean a specific gravity of 1.080, like Fred suggested? (Obviously, it cannot be many of the examples I listed. I was just worried you meant Oechsle.)
Keep in mind I am new at this. I used the scale the has all the numbers in it in color. starts at 1.000and ends at 60. my 1st reading was 80 not 1.080. Possibly the beer/wine scale. Also I was told not to add sugar at the time I put it in fermeter.