She'll probably get mad at me
Or not! Congrats, Fred and Mrs. Mainship.

She'll probably get mad at me
It's our 35th anniversary today so I'm surprising my wife with a catered dinner from a company that catered a Valentine's dinner we had at a winery. Argentina flank steak with roasted veggies, Arugula salad with peaches, pecans and honey raspberry dressing and a chocoberries cake. She'll probably get made at me since we were supposed to have agreed to not do anything.
That is beautiful!! A God-given talent that I wish I had.It's a good time to be retired, that's for sure. Here's the total of my accomplishments for the last three days.
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. . . Take a little time to enjoy the hopefully less hectic pace of life. I think I need to retire
WOW Mike, that picture makes me dream of being in my 20’s , , ,It's a good time to be retired, that's for sure. Here's the total of my accomplishments for the last three days.
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Today I am learrning how to hobble around with one foot. drinking and crutches could be a scary combo
Trying to procure the rest of the materials need to build a wheelchair ramp for a old timer here who is a disabled vet and can't wait any longer for the VA to help him, so with the Disabled Vaets of America I will find the materials needed. I am hoping not to have to build it myself but I will if I have to.
Need to get to the brew shop and get the yeast to pitch into my cranberry/pomegranite, it is past the pectin stage and is waiting to begin to bubble.
Sharpening up the snow shovel, feels like snow for sure in the air. My money is on the eight, I may not win this year but I think I am going to come close.
Got bad news today about a young friend(18 yo) that was killed in a car accident last month, not sure how I was the last to know but I was. Need to deal with his Mom and their family. On top of that the mom is terminally ill and there are many other problems facing them. Time to be a true Alaskan and step up and see where I can help.
Got gallons of cran/pomegranite on the counter that needs to be moved. Guess i didn't think about that when I mixed it all up. It's damn sure not going on the frig!!!LOL
may god bless that family, and may god bless you and you family as well. and thank you for your service sir,
What am I doing today? I am giving my thanks that I woke up alive and healthy today and that I can hope that those in my family and those I call my friends are doing okay. I also prayed that if there was anythng I could do to help any of them, that the strength would be sent my way.
Take Care,
It’s always satisfying day working at this avocation we all have. Great multipurpose crates there. How many bottles does one hold?Today, I filtered and bottled 150 bottles of wine:
1. Fume Blanc (WE)
2. RJS Italian Valapola
3. RJS RQ3
4. MV Ardente
5. MV Pinot Noir
6. RJS Super Tuscan
I normally use my Buon Vino Jet filler but today I thought I would employ my AIO pump to fill the bottles. Although it took a while to get used to, it was actually faster to use in the long run than the BV.
I pressure washed my barrels and steam cleaned them with my new steamer. Pretty slick.
It was a full 9 hours from start to finish, including clean up. Here are a few pics from the day...
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How many bottles does one hold?
Just finished setting up and filling the anniversary aquarium wifey got for me last weekend. It’ll be a few days running before it clears up and is ready for inhabitants, but it’s already a soothing addition. So many new things to relearn in the aquarium world these days.......
Fresh, thoughI do use a smidge of salt in it, African Cichlids like a bit.Fresh or Salt? Looks good!