Woke up normal time, got my walk in between the rain and the wind (rain earlier this morning, wind due later this morning). Heating up my water to make my 4th batch of beer in 4 weeks. Haven't bought any beer since I started making it. Trying to save some money as I can make a 5 gallon batch for around $20 and have it ready to consume within a few weeks, plus it tastes a little better than a Bud Light, LOL.
We used to go to a neighbors lake house that was near Latrobe (also about a mile from where the plane went down in 9/11 in Shenksville). I know one of the boys visited the brewery when it was still in Latrobe (many years ago) and got to know the brewer at the time. I think they used a Canadian 2-row pilsner malt if I remember correctly. It was not as high in protein as the US malts. Let me reach out to him and see if he remembers any of the details or not.I want to make a good knock off of the old Rolling Rock, the way it used to taste. The A-B version has a hint of that old flavor but it is not full profile. I really liked that beer in its day. So far, no luck. The proprietary yeast strain contributes much of the profile, I'm told.
We used to go to a neighbors lake house that was near Latrobe (also about a mile from where the plane went down in 9/11 in Shenksville). I know one of the boys visited the brewery when it was still in Latrobe (many years ago) and got to know the brewer at the time. I think they used a Canadian 2-row pilsner malt if I remember correctly. It was not as high in protein as the US malts. Let me reach out to him and see if he remembers any of the details or not.
Was also a favorite of mine, we used to get kegs of it at our fraternity house occasionally. I have problems making a good clean lager since my wife put her foot down about me keeping the house temps down so low, so now my basement is hovering around 58*F. Need to get me a cheap fridge to lager in, I still have the temperature control unit, used to make a mean Munich lager in the old days (before kids).