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Just racked my first batch again to get rid of all the sediment at the bottom. Of course had to steal a glass to try it out..yum. Per kit instructions it should be almost ready to bottle, but we figure a little longer can only help :h ImageUploadedByWine Making1451602647.382759.jpg
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If you are going to go much more than a week or two before bottling may I suggest you top that carboy up with a like wine. There is way to much head space showing in your picture unless you have one of those fancy vacuum airlocks that excludes the air from the head space.
I think we will bottle the 13th-ish if all looks clear. Do you think I should still top up?
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In general I top up, but I know the directions on the WE kits say that it is not necessary unless you will be doing extended aging, so I think you will be fine.

Thanks so much. I may see if I can find some glass marbles. This is my first batch so I don't have any I've already made...and don't want to add wine (that's not mine) to it...just doesn't seem like it'd be the same!
Thanks so much. I may see if I can find some glass marbles. This is my first batch so I don't have any I've already made...and don't want to add wine (that's not mine) to it...just doesn't seem like it'd be the same!

Watch which marbles you get. Some have stuff that can leach into your wine. I'm pretty sure morewine has them on their website.
Today we are taking our two year old skiing for the first time. I hope he loves it since we are big skiers. He's super excited to go ever since he seen Mickey Mouse skiing in an episode of his show last week!
Playing musical carboys today. I racked some apple last night and need to rack 2 batches of pear stuff and 13 gallons of Pinot Grigio blend.

Logistics is the devil.
Finally making a batch of beer. Went to a men's breakfast group earlier and now heating the water up to start my mash. Will later go get some propane for backup in case I run out during the boiling stage.

Beautiful sunny day, light/no wind. A good day to brew and a good day for the brewer to sample some of his older batches!
Labels/foils for the LR Shiraz-Viognier, taking down outdoor Christmas decorations (today or tomorrow), going for a run, moving the LR Super Tuscan into the new barrel.
Spent 14.5 hours driving to return home after visiting the families of origin of myself and SWMBO. Visits were (mostly) nice, but glad to be back. I worked at my mom's house like an absolute dog for the past week, so I am glad that is over!

As stated in the "glass" thread, I am "titrating" all the coffee I drank to sustain my drive with cheap (E&J) brandy. The world is starting to look okay ....
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I need to get another thermometer for under my stairs where I cold stabilize. I'm currently using my old digital thermostat and it's reading OL which means it's colder than it's capable of reading. Last good temp I had was 25. It's 56 at ceiling height in my cellar since I don't have any vents open except in the laundry area. Given our current temps it looks like I'll be able to pull my wine from cold stabilization the weekend of the 16th and I'll hopefully get the muscadine racked into CS...
Haven't done any thing for about four months.

Had a kidney removed in August and the operation went not so good so I am limited to the weight of one gallon of milk. My operation was supposed to take 3 days in the hospital and took twenty four days and two more operations to fix. I felt the Dr. was screwing around and finally told him to **** or get off the pot. :h

Picked my grapes before the operation so I have a freezer full waiting to make wine.

Have an appointment Friday to see the wound care people and with a little luck I will be off any restriction.

I have about 13 gallons of rhubarb going thru malolactic and eight gallons each of black raspberry and cherry aging.

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