What R you doing today?

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fell UP the front porch stairs yesterday.... Im so freaking gracfull :( Im in pain to LOL!!

work is gonna suck with all the walking but hopfully itll go fast ...
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I didn't see it happen!

Hope you feel better today!

Reminds me of what I say to the better half.

Trust me, I'll at least ask if you're okay before I start laughing....

Are you okay? Sorry you're still sore. I hate when that happens to me but it is a classic to see it happen to someone else, especially up the stairs, that takes skill and finess.:):)
I started my weekend by taking my wife to Westbend Iowa to see the Grotto then we left there and headed to Tipton Iowa to visit the grave sites of her great grandparents she been wanting to do that for a couple of years now. We got home early last night so I racked my blueberry wine into a five gallon carboy and a one gallon carboy I have some Zucchini wine I need to bottle yet will do that some time today I have a four day weekend from work this weekend.
fell UP the front porch stairs yesterday.... Im so freaking gracfull :( Im in pain to LOL!!

work is gonna suck with all the walking but hopfully itll go fast ...

When out for my morning run on more than one occasion I have dragged a toe on an upraised (is that even a real word?) sidewalk or hit a patch of ice and gone down like a ton of bricks. Doesn't matter how bad I skinned my hands, elbows, or knees the first thing I do is look around and see if anyone saw me. And then get up and limp home. :D

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I didn't see it happen!

Hope you feel better today!

GRRRRRRR your turn fo the corner!!! LOL!!!

im still really bad sore, i pulled my neck and hip joints way outta whack, skinned up both knees, jarred my wrists and arms ... :(


My neighbor watched it all happen so my EGO is all wounded as well LMAO!!!!
I told everyone at work that i had the grace of an elephant and i gotta give em props for not coming back with" and the body of one as well!" good people i work with for avoiding that one LOL!

Ill live just need to rest n relax LOL!
Placed an order online for 3 feet of 7/8"x6 Acme Thread rod and some corresponding nuts that are 1" high. Can anyone guess what's in the working for this winter. May have to pay a visit to Steve's and get some measurments or beg Wade to email me pics with dimentions. Whoo hooo. Have red oak in the garage in both 3/4" thickness and also 1 1/2 thickness I think.

Also had wonderful dinner of stuffed peppers with the family including mother, sister and nieces.
Racked IM BB/Cab pri --> sec this am. It's at 1.000 and dropping ...
Work then off to pool leagues. Tomorrow is a day off so maybe rack my apple wine and start a new batch. Always got bottles to clean. Clean the jeep so i can take it to the dealership to trade on a 4 door pickup! Wife is Prego More wine 4 me!
Cleaning-sorting bottles for my skeeter pee and Pinot Griggio that are ready to bottle this week-end...and beeing nice on to my friends on facebook cuz I got in trouble at work for not doing so....::
Thinking about all I *could* be doing ... maybe I'll start that raspberry mead I have everything I need for ... or maybe another elderberry ... or blackberry ... or cherry ...

decisions, decisions, ...
Well this was the last day of my four day weekend so I didn't do much but I did find some five gallon carboy in Omaha Ne. for twenty dollars each then I got a dozen bottles washed up for the Zucchini wine will have to bottle soon
Set up my new netbook. It's small enough to actually carry around.
Racked my pumpkin ale last night. Will rack it again in a couple of days since the trub is compacting on the bottom. It tastes GREAT!
Gotta clean some bottles. Thankfully Serpent Ridge uses a glue that disolves in water easily. No much scrubbing at all. May work on that this weekend at some point.
Two days off after a week of working normal hours. I'll finally get the brakes changed on the bike and hopefully do some bottle cleaning and wine racking too.
i stole the new truck from DNW and am going to the garden center!!! hes NOT amused but i am NOT hauling mulch and soil in the hyundai when he just got a GMC seira LOL made him drive the hyundai to work LMAO nanner nanner to him :p!

3 puppies have gone home, another tonight !! still have two solid black pups who need good homes if yall know of anyone close! id keep em if hubs wud let me but hes only letting me keep one :(

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