What vegetables can wine be made from

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I just started a batch of Kumquat ( 5 gal + must approx 5.5 to 6 gal ) I am trying it as Kumquat only with thinly sliced fruit, my second batch ( 5 gal ) will be the juices only ( I will use my Jack la lane juicer, no pulp and no seeds or rinds ) Only juice extract.

My jumbo black berries did not do so well this year ( to hot... dried the fruit ), but I have peaches, berries from my garden from last year (frozen) fridge broke gotta make before I spoil it all.

maybe mango/peach/kumquat mix this year on a small batch run.

I will try to post the recipe if it works .....if not all you will see is .......YUUUUUUk, phetoui, barf on the updates

Just had the last rack on a fresh fruit Blueberry. It is very good, blueberry nose and slightly sweet..TS Karen may have me sampling this weekend.
bottling some apple blush, and starting a tropical dragon blood,and racking some blackberry table wine.
Well, it is a modest start, but ya gotta start somewhere!

CC Sterling Merlot
WE Mezza Luna Red
CC Showcase Amarone
CC Showcase Lodi Old Vines Zinfandel
CC Showcase Red Mountain Cabernet
Dragon Blood
WE Selection International Argentine Malbec

Bulk aging:
CC Showcase Yakima Valley Syrah
CC Showcase Rosso Fortissimo

CC Showcase Yakima Valley Cabernet Shiraz



On Deck:
WE LE Oregon Pinot Noir
CC Showcase Walla Walla Cabernet Merlot
CC Showcase Argentinian Malbec
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update to my list 11-23-2013

1. Wild Berry White Zinfadel. - Summer Breezin kit - 6 gallons
2. Niagara - Walkers hotpack juice - 5 gallons
3. Wine Expert Riesling Ice Style Wine(kit) - 3 gallons
4. Original Skeeter Pee (Lon's recipe) - 5 gallon
5. Candy Cane - 6 gallons - will be ready at Christmas

In the works:
6. Sangria- Zinfandel blush WE kit - 6 gallons
7. Cranberry-lime Skeeter pee - 5 gallons
8 & 9. bought 2 Cornucopia Tropical Riesling kits.
10. Wild Berry White Zinfadel. - Summer Breezin kit. Liked it so much I am making another.
11. Cornucopia , White Coconut Frascati.
12. Concord from grapes - 3 gallons.

In my head:
13. DB peach
14. Dave's TBDB
Doug K

What I have made:
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This past summer:
---2012 Carmenere I made from fresh grapes and juice from Chile purchase in the spring of 2012. **Took 3rd place at the NC state fair this week**
---a trial batch of strawberry.
--6gl batch of apple started from 30lbs of fresh apples.
---Double batch of Zin
---6gl Merlot/Cab blend
Started Chocolate strawberry and Blueberry Port, both from fresh fruit that was frozen from this past summer.
This year i did:
Red raspberry mead
Pear mead
Sagiovese from a pail
Red raspberry
Yellow raspberry

I plan to do a 10g batch of cranberry, which everyone loves, along with maybe. Cranberry mead. That is if i can get the wife on board, if i do these last two batches, i will have broken the 100 gallon mark. Finally i will have a wine making problem! Yes!
havent posted 4 awhile

well sorry about that,,I finished up a smokehouse big enough to hang 150 hog in with space left over so when a buddy got his moose we had to do jerky and ribs ,,that took a week and I salted the hide for 2 weeks stretched it on a 8'x12' frame and started scraping it down so that's good for a 6 pac every night ,,I started 45 gals of blackberry wine the first of Aug and have racked it 3x,,just do a taste and add sugar and let it go back to work,,We cut 3 cords of junk standing pine for the firepit this winter and 1 cord of oak and maple for the shed,, I moved around 6 trailer loads of sandy lome up to the garden and filled in some low spots and deer season started today so im going to be busy till I get my deer,,I realy did not meen to ignore you guys but retirement sucks
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Right now:

2 gallons show mead in secondary

1 gallon Welch's white grape / raspberry in primary.

2.5 gallons in primary made with Alexanders Pinot Grigio concentrate with 2 cans Welch's concord concentrate plus corn sugar to 1.094. Wish I'd skipped the concord and only did 2 gallons.

All the Best,
D. White
Put snow tires on my wife's GFs car, cooked a nice braised lamb shoulder chop... I may yet rack the amarone I have clearing...

Edit: Ooops, I thought this was the "what are you doing today" post....
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Picking up 2 pails of Barbera juice today so they will be my next two batches. Hoping to start primary by the weekend.
5 Gallons of concord, and 5 Gallons of Cab. with a MLF Will rack both this week and bottle in time for Christmas, I hope
Bottled these:

WE Selections White Merlot Nov. 2007
Island Mist Black Raspberry Merlot Feb 2008
Niagara Mist Blue Pom White Merlot Apr 2008
Island Mist Peach Apricot Chardonnay Apr 2008
WE Selections International Chilean Merlot June 2008
Niagara Mist Black Cherry Pinot Noir Nov 2008
WE Selection Ltd. Edition New Zealand Merlot Jan 2009
Niagara Mist Strawberry White Zinfandel Apr 2009
WE Selections International Chilean Merlot Apr 2009
WE Selections International Chilean Merlot July 2009
WE Selections International Chilean Merlot Feb 2010
Costco Vino Europa Merlot March 2010
WE Selection International White Zinfandel May 2010
Niagara Mist Black Cherry Pinot Noir June 2010
Skeeter Pee June 2010
Costco Vino Europa Cab (with raisins) Sept 2010
Kenridge Showcase Primitivo/Syrah Sept 2010
WE Selections International Chilean Merlot Apr 2011
RJ Spagnols En Primeur Australian Shiraz Apr 2011
Cheeky Monkey Shiraz Apr 2011
WE Raspberry Chocolate Port Nov 2011
WE Selections International Chilean Merlot Feb 2012
RJS Cellar Classics White Zinfandel Feb 2012
WE Raspberry Chocolate Port Feb 2012
Rhubarb/Berry from juice June 2012
Kenridge Showcase Collection Spanish Cabernet Sauvignon July 2012
RJS EP Amarone Aug 2012
WE Selections International Chilean Merlot Feb 2013
Alexander and Sons Merlot Juice Bucket March 2013
Cheeky Monkey Australian Shiraz Apr 2013
Cheeky Monkey Chilean Malbec Apr 2013
WE LE Italian Nebbiolo Nov 2013
WE World Vineyard Australian Shiraz Nov 2013
WE LE Malbec Bonarda

Waiting to start these:

2013 LE South African Shiraz/Cab
Grand Cru Malbec

Primary or Secondary:

Bulk aging:

Cheeky Monkey Shiraz
Niagara Mist Raspberry Dragonfruit White Shiraz
Cheeky Monkey Shiraz (yes 2 of them)
Kenridge Showcase Amarone

WE Selections International Chilean Merlot
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Just Bottled...
RJS EP California Cab
Dragons Blood
WineXpert Chocolate raspberry Port

Aging In Carboys...
RJS EP Super Tuscan
RJS EP Riesling Gewurztramminer
Pear/White grape
Blueberry Pomegrenate

On the rack...
CC Bergamais
WineXpert Australian Shiraz
5 gal red raspberry, 5 gal blackberry, 5 gal concord grape, 2 gal skeeter mixed blended something, and 1 gallon chocloate raspberry
Vino Italiano Barolo - Bottled 6/24/12
Triple Berry Skeeter Pee - Bottled 5/12/12 - Gone
CC Showcase Lodi Old Vine Zin - Bottled 8/4/12
Vino Italiano Cabernet Sauvignon - Bottled 8/26/12
2012 Peach from fresh fruit – Bottled 5/26/13
CC Sterling California Merlot - Bottled 1/26/13
CC LR Red Mountain Trio - Bottled 12/28/12
Brookly Brew Shop "Everyday IPA" - bottled and gone
CC Sterling California Syrah - Bottled 6/8/13
RJS Orange Chocolate Port - Bottled 11/10/12
Gingerbread Ale - bottled 10/22 - Gone
RJS Winery Series Super Tuscan - Bottled 05/29/13
CC Showcase Red Mountain Cabernet - Bottled 6/16/13
3 Gal Dragon Blood - Bottled 05/26/13
CC 2012 LR Red Mountain Trio (#2) - Bottled 7/25/13
Brooklyn Brew Shop "Bruxelles Black" Ale - Bottled 2/5/13
WE Eclipse NZ Marlborough Sauv Blanc - Bottled 4/5/13
Northern Brewer "Caribou Slobber" Brown Ale - Bottled
Brooklyn Brew Shop Summer Wheat – Bottled - Delicious!!
MM Renaissance Aussie Chard - 10/2/13
Kenridge Showcase LR California Grand Red(#1) - Bottled 10/2/13

Bulk Aging:
Chilean Malbec from fresh juice and fruit
EP Amarone
RJS Black Forest Port

In Vadai Barrels:
EP Dashwood NZ Pinot Noir - In Vadai #2
Chilean Carmenere from fresh juice and fruit - In Vadai #1

Blueberry Port from fresh fruit - Clearing
2013 CA Petite Syrah - MLF (Amador Gold - fresh grapes)
2013 Valpolicella - MLF (Italian juice bucket)
Eclipse Piedmont Barolo - In secondary

On Deck:
CC Showcase Yakima Syrah
2013 Peach from fresh fruit (peaches in freezer)
Brooklyn Brew Shop “RyePA” and Bourbon Dubbel
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I haven't posted in this thread in awhile:

What's currently aging in various states:

Super Tuscan
Red Mountain Trio
North Coast Red
have a bach of white niagra and concord started with
1 bushel white niagra and approx 1 lb concord in primary with starting sg of 1.070 using lavin ec-1118

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