What was the first wine you made?

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Senior Member
Sep 12, 2006
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What was the first wine you made and how did the process go?
Concord, lol, it was so bad we called it wine shine. :slp
Peach... I still have plenty of it, but its not bad.. It's disappearing quickly!
WE VR Liebfraumilch....added entire f-pack at beginning, not knowing any better....contacted cust. service...said they have had it happen before....told me to stir every day and they arranged to have a replacement f-pack sent to my lhbs....turned out pretty nice....a little higher abv than should have been, but all in all a pretty good wine....
Once it's done I'll let you know how it tastes. The first one I made is from Welch's White Grape concentrate.
First one started was a Vino Italiano Barolo. That's still bulk aging in the carboy on some oak and will be bottled within a month. My first bottled wine was "Easy Peesy" - Triple Berry Skeeter Pee. Still improving in the bottle, but coming along nicely.
Welches grape concentrate
4 cans
sugar (no SG)
baking yeast...
ferment and straight to bottle
tasted like cheep box wine :)
Well, when I was in high school I tried to make mulberry wine but it didn't turn into anything drinkable. Not surprising with no equipment, way too much sugar and baker's yeast. But that's another story. In 2000 I started my first real batch of wine - rhubarb. It turned out really well and I still have a bottle or two stored away for a future rhubarb vertical tasting! :)
Wine Experts, French Cabernet Sauvignon. It ended up having no resemblence to Cabernet but it was good enough that I became consumed with winemaking! It's nearly 3 years old and I still have some of it. Maybe I will try that one tonight!
The first wine I made was an apple wine which I used to make from my own fresh pressed apples I grew. I prefer grape wine, so I am now Grapeman, no longer Appleman. LOL
Wine Kitz Ultimate Riesling
ž started Oct 1999 - bottled Jan 2000 (24 + 11 halves)
ž April: seems harsh - Aug: seems stale??
ž drinkable July 2000, enjoyable Jan 2001 ??
Blackberry wine. I got inspired after reading a book about wine making. I went to a local farm and picked a TON of blackberries. (I think I picked 9 lbs with the help of the kids. They were stained purple by the time we were done.) I got a recipe online and got the ingredients and tried my hand at it. It turned out good and I've been hooked since!
WE Port started in Jan 2011. Just opened some recently and it's quite good. Once that batch was out of the primary it quickly took over and another 15 or so batches have been done or currently aging.
I am still new at this, but Istarted a gallon batch of apple wine from concentrate. I found this site and learned that it takes so long for it to age, so I started a batch of skeeter pee. Bottled it about 10 days ago, I am happy with it but think I can do better. Started a kit (Sharaz) that will be ready to bottle in a few weeks. Started a batch of blackberry last weekend. I want to start another skeeter pee and also, when the watermelons get ripe, I want to try that. Many of you on here say that is a difficult one to do, but for some reason I really want to try that......with respect to Tom T Halls song Old dogs, children and watermelon wine.
I made a 5 gallon batch on lychee wine, 2 years ago. It turned out great until I learned what sulfates are and why they are used. It slowly spoiled. :slp
New to the hobby, but I just got a 6 gal batch of Merlot Red into the primary fermenter on 05/29/12.

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