What Wine related gifts did you get for Christmas?

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After a bit of wrangling with the zoning department of my town, I got a preliminary blessing to proceed with a winery plan at the vineyard. I think I have them convinced that viticulture is indeed agriculture- which is allowed in my zone. They wanted me to get a special use permit. I used their own definitions to prove my case. It didn't hurt that I had the county and NYS Dept of Agriculture and Markets behind me. It seems they will staunchly defend rights to farm in an ag district!

That's the greatest gift I could get, short of a loving and caring family and friends like you all.
Very nice on both!!!!
I received 2 very classy looking wine gift bags made of tapestry cloth. Whoever I give these to will be very special indeed!!
appleman said:
After a bit of wrangling with the zoning department of my town, I got a preliminary blessing to proceed with a winery plan at the vineyard. I think I have them convinced that viticulture is indeed agriculture- which is allowed in my zone. They wanted me to get a special use permit. I used their own definitions to prove my case. It didn't hurt that I had the county and NYS Dept of Agriculture and Markets behind me. It seems they will staunchly defend rights to farm in an ag district!

That's the greatest gift I could get, short of a loving and caring family and friends like you all.

That is so cool and a fantastic gift for you!
congratulations Rich, there is always someone around us showing some type of envy or jealousy attempting to prevent the simplest of our efforts...i am very happy for you.....i have a request

when you get licensed...may i purchase your first bottle of wine sold?
That's great Appleman, hope things will proceed in a nice timely manner for you....It's really to bad that it can get so frustrating while trying to do the right thing.....Hope it all works for you...GOOD LUCK!!!!
Congrats on that Rich, youd think they would be all on your side seeing as how they will be getting some quag out of this eventually.
Great news Rich....Looks liek your new year will definately nbe a busy one podner
Awesome Rich, I'll have to check ya out if I can get a lil time off this spring.

Like ibglowin, I received some etched wine glasses with my new logo on them (I am going to learn to post pictures-New Year's resolution), and a new wine opener set with collar, spout, corkscrew etc. We had a blessed Christmas, John.
That is super great news Rich. Congrats!

appleman said:
After a bit of wrangling with the zoning department of my town, I got a preliminary blessing to proceed with a winery plan at the vineyard. I think I have them convinced that viticulture is indeed agriculture- which is allowed in my zone. They wanted me to get a special use permit. I used their own definitions to prove my case. It didn't hurt that I had the county and NYS Dept of Agriculture and Markets behind me. It seems they will staunchly defend rights to farm in an ag district!
That's the greatest gift I could get, short of a loving and caring family and friends like you all.
Got a $50 gift certificate to a suply house. For the last 5 years the wife and I take the money we would spend on each other and buy toys and give them to the marines toys for tots. Christmas was verry good this year all of the kids were here with us.
corn field said:
For the last 5 years the wife and I take the money we would spend on each other and buy toys and give them to the marines toys for tots.

What a beautiful and generous thing to do!
My son gave methe book " Northern Winework " (growing grapes and making wine in cold climates)2nd edition.Just skimming over it I would recommend it to anyone that is thinking about starting a home vineyard or has a home vineyard and has to deal with cold climates.

Congrats Applemanon your zoning victory
One of the gifts i received was a cerificate at FVW. I spent part of it on a 120 bottle rack and got it put together today and working on filling it up.


Had to do some modifying on the rack as the instructions said that the ends with the buttons all had to be at the top. Well, if you did this on the middle posts, the cut outs did not align with the bottle supports and as shown in the picture below it was considerably shorter thna the end posts. Long story short, Flipped over the wrong way everything lined up perfect except now the buttos made the rack uneven at the bottom so I grabbed my drill, a bit and drilled out the buttons on the middle posts and everything worked fine then.
We see that one of the bottles in your new rack is "bottom out". Is there a significance? Nice rack BTW!
Actually there is..It turns out that these racks are all built with the same sizegroove on both sides of the bottle support and that size is actually what I would deem suitable for the neck of the bottle. Anyway, the burgundy style bottles tend to want to slide off the rackso that one is sliding off the rack toward the wall.