Now being spotted in the wild here in the States.

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@sour_grapes I just wish we'd live closer.....![]()
I'm waiting for the series "@geek, the Caribbean cooking machine" and especially the "behind the scenes" version where 45 people descend on the food to devour it after the picture is taken.Me too! You always have enough food that my wife and I could drop by unannounced!!![]()
My bride would kill me if I kept that many olives in the fridge, you have a very understanding wife!
Darn, I was hoping to show her that picture so she'd see that filling the freezer with frozen leaf hops isn't all that abnormal.We only keep one of those on hand at a time, the rest reside on the shelf at Costco! LOL
Pulled the trigger this weekend on a widget for the Pit Boss K24. This should do the trick on the longer cooks. I actually stumbled onto this myself recently by using a small personal fan at the inlet opening when the fire would go out do to a lack of air. This should assist at keeping the cook temp right where it needs to be with the built in thermostat.
That's the plan. I love the food coming off the Pit Boss but didn't like having to restart the fire during longer cooks where you were trying to maintain ~225F and many times the fire would go out as it was not getting enough O2 to keep it going.