Okay, no pix. We had many friends over for an event tonight, and I never even thought about taking a picture.
We decided to redo our will, 14 years after the last time. (Details are unimportant, but many things that we thought were correct in the past would not have wound up going the way we thought they would have.)
Anyway, we had a party of 8 to enjoy witnessing our last will and testament, and to eat and drink!! We had some awesome cheese for starters. Most of dinner was veggies, to meet the request of one dear friend. We (once again) had fresh fennel and onion, sauteed, then braised in ho-made chicken stock; after it cooled, added cilantro and chopped pistachios; turned out super nice. We also had Swiss chard (onions, coriander, hot pepper), sauteed in olive oil, then braised in ho-made chicken stock. I also roasted asparagus at 450F for ~20 mins. TBH, it turned out more mushy than I was expecting; I served this with a real treat, viz, ramp aioli: I took ramps, and chopped them in a food processor. Then I added two egg yolks and fresh-queezed lemon juice to the jar. I added the ramp to the jar, then olive oil, then hit it with an immersion blender, and made a nice ailoli that tasted like ramps and olive oil. We also served Swiss chard, sauteed with shallots and braised with chicken stock. Nice all the way around!
On the grill front, I grilled mushroom caps, with soy and olive oil. Turned out tasty.
Finally, the protein: I procured a 3.2 lb tenderloin, and dry-bined it for 10'. I then washed it and dried it,and and then marinated it with lost of fresh thyme, fresh garlic, and EVOO. After all day marinating, I fired up a medium heat grill, and cooked the tenderloin for ~20'. Came out scrumptious, with internal temps of 120 to 140 F, depending on area.