What type of flour do you use for your pizza crust?
Usually a bread flour, I favor the Robin Hood (Ardent Mills) red winter wheat version when I can get it (white and green package), or King Arthur bread flour (in the white and blue package). I'm sure any bread flour would be good, but I aim for a higher gluten content when I can get it (13%+). Funny that one of my kids is gluten intollerant, maybe not all that funny for him.
Finished product, soft pretzels. We pulled a fast one on my daughter and told her I made the soft pretzels for someone in church tomorrow. She said, "I don't care, when can you make me some?", she was really excited, and even more excited when I told her they were her's to eat. I said she had to eat the main meal first, they would be dessert. Made up a batch of beef stew in the crock pot, since the weather wasn't cooperating today. Will serve with jasmine rice (and soft pretzels).
Edit: Daughter loved the pretzels, took one to the neighbor's daughter. Split a pretzel with my wife before dinner. Had a nice flavor and great texture. Might make up a sponge and let it rise/fall and refrigerate for a day or two and make another batch (only gave it 6 hours to ferment with today's batch). Looking for that hauntingly good flavor that let's you know that you just bit into a Philly soft pretzel.
Oh, stew was pretty good too. Can taste some residual flavor from the cup of Valpolicella that I deglazed the pan with after browning up the beef.