Wow, I feel like I brought a water pistol to a pillow fight! Lotsa nice-looking pizzas up there.
We enjoyed the second pork chop from post #8288 above, roasted to reheat in the oven and once again served with a lovely salsa verde. We had fresh spinach from the CSA, so I sauteed that with lots of garlic and EVOO and seasoned with pepper and lemon juice. That was delicious, but mostly because of the taste of the spinach itself, not due to any of my ministrations. I made oven-roasted fennel slices in EVOO again, and a starch dish of orzo with lemon juice, lemon zest, parsley, shallots, and parmigiano reggiano. But maybe the best part was that I found an error in my winecellartracker.xls spreadsheet. I had accidentally deleted part of the entry for my 6-year-old CC Showcase Walla-Walla Cab/Merlot. I thought it was all gone, but there were two bottles left! One of the best kits I have ever made. Yum!

We enjoyed the second pork chop from post #8288 above, roasted to reheat in the oven and once again served with a lovely salsa verde. We had fresh spinach from the CSA, so I sauteed that with lots of garlic and EVOO and seasoned with pepper and lemon juice. That was delicious, but mostly because of the taste of the spinach itself, not due to any of my ministrations. I made oven-roasted fennel slices in EVOO again, and a starch dish of orzo with lemon juice, lemon zest, parsley, shallots, and parmigiano reggiano. But maybe the best part was that I found an error in my winecellartracker.xls spreadsheet. I had accidentally deleted part of the entry for my 6-year-old CC Showcase Walla-Walla Cab/Merlot. I thought it was all gone, but there were two bottles left! One of the best kits I have ever made. Yum!