A little herbed beef tenderloin for New Year's (from a local butcher).
Rubbed with olive oil, salt, pepper, seared on all sides and let sit.
In a bowl, added butter, balsamic vinegar, onion/garlic power, chopped
garlic, chopped rosemary & thyme leaves. Mix together and melted in
microwave. Rubbed it on, put on the twine to keep it together. Put it in the oven,
put the probe in and set it for mid/rare which the oven said was 130 degrees. The oven just
shows the internal temp and I used the phone to find out it was cooking at 425. Took it
out when buzzer went off(130 degrees), covered the foil and let sit for 15 min(looks like I should
have waited another five.

A little sour cream/bacon for the potato, slaw and mushroom gravy(and a glass of Merlot)