We eat a fair amount of pork tenderloin, as we really like it and it's relatively inexpensive. Since the package contains 2 loins, I typically cook one the first night, and the second a day or two later using a different method. Well, maybe not a different
method, but different
Sunday Mrs. WM81 requested a Port sauce, so I opened a bottle of Chocolate Raspberry Port, and did it.
Sliced the pork, pounded thin, & pan fried it with seasoned salt, black pepper, cardamom, and granulated garlic. Made a sauce with the Port and store bought vegetable broth, served over rice.
We had leftovers for dinner Monday.
Tuesday? When I processed the first loin, I did the same with the second. This one went into a ziplock bag with olive oil, allspice, seasoned salt, and black pepper (Traditional Syrian Shish-Kebab seasonings). Additionally I added a bit of Gewurztraminer and cornstarch. The cornstarch helps tenderize the meat (not that the pork needs it), and gives it a velvety mouthfeel.
Yes, mouthfeel is important in food as well as wine!
Panfried the pork (no need for oil or additional seasoning), made a sauce with Gewurztraminer (remainder is in my glass) and chicken stock, and served with seasonal pasta from Aldi's.
Periodically Aldi's has seasonal or event shaped pasta. Mrs. WM81 likes it, so when I see it, I buy a bag. This is Christmas pasta. I need to buy a few things tomorrow, and if it's still in stock, I'll get another bag.
Guys -- some women want jewelry and expensive stuff. Others want to know that even when doing something mundane like grocery shopping, they are in our minds. Y'all can figure out which one I got.