Last night the wife requested a seafood night, specifically a Scallops Scampi recipe I developed many moons ago. I haven't made this in years -- the sons don't like scallops, so I stopped making it. The remaining scallops in the bag (buy in larger lots, frozen) wasn't quite enough, and I discovered this recipes works great with shrimp!
I've posted the
Scallops Scampi recipe on my web site. The salad is spinach, Mesclun mix, Roma tomato, bell pepper, and chick peas. The wife put Aldi's Caesar dressing on hers, and I made a vinaigrette (sprinkle of salt, few drops Worcestershire, vinegar [last night white wine vinegar], and olive oil). The rice is brown basmati rice with Herbes de Provence (1 tsp in 1 cup rice, I think).
I also took the time to record the
Baked Chicken & Rice recipe I described a few days ago.
When I was first out on my own, a friend lamented that her grandmother had passed, and a huge number of family recipes died with her. Thinking about it, I realized that a large number of recipes my Mom made when I was growing up existed only in her head OR the version she made differed from the written recipe. For most things she didn't measure (a habit I have) so simply writing down a recipe wasn't going to work.
For the next several years we had a project -- we'd choose a recipe, and she'd make it while I measured and recorded. It was a fun project. She's been gone for more than a decade, but I have memories of our project, plus my family has her recipes.
Take the time to write down recipes, either your own or within the family. No one is here forever and recipes can be a valuable thing to hand to succeeding generations.
EDIT: I was adding the Baked Chicken recipe to my database (I'm an IT guy, yes I have a recipe database!

) and discovered I HAD recorded the recipe, probably 15 years ago. I had named it oddly so I missed it.