I'm thinking of ordering an amarone juice bucket when the itialian juice comes in, but I'd like to get a better idea what I'd actually be ordering since amarone and fresh juice seem mutually exclusive. I can't imagine they're making juice fro from traditional partially dehydrated grapes, especially since the the buckets arrive in october and the drying process is supposed to take till newyears. I could see them taking valpolicella juice(same grape varieties as amarone) and either (A) vacuum dehydrating 30% of the water out. (B) chaptalizing the heck out of it or (C) just slapping an amarone label on it. Anyone have any idea? Even a brix reading form a previous year, if anyone's got it, would rule out one of those options. If I had to guess I'd go with the vacuum dehydrating option. That would justify the higher price, I assume they're already doing this for juice that's going into kits, and I've done a fairly palletable faux-aramone form a partially rehydrated cheap valpolicella kit. I'd love to get some confirmation though.