One of the best sipping rums! Have you tried Zacapa?A tumbler of Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva, straight...
...possibly two before the night is over...
...or three given the way this week is going so far
One of the best sipping rums! Have you tried Zacapa?
I bought a selection of reds under $15. Most were mediocre as expected. This one was a standout. For $14 I'm impressed.View attachment 73154
Toss-up between Diplomatico and Zacapa for me. I like 'em both a lot. Also, try Pilarnot yet - on my list, but I've heard questionable things about it
Toss-up between Diplomatico and Zacapa for me. I like 'em both a lot. Also, try Pilar
Added sugar and caramel color is a common practice. Many rums, including Diplomatico do this. It may come as a surprise, but Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva has 41 grams/liter while Zacapa has 26 grams/liter. Sweet rum is good rum? - REFINED VICESI recently learned zacapa(supposedly) adds sugar and caramel coloring at bottling to make it look and taste more aged than it actually is. Pilar is next on my list, along with Flor de Cana, Ron Abuelo, Smith and Cross, El Dorado, and Kirk and Sweeney
RL Seale 10y has so far been one of my favorite affordable regular sipping bottles
Pango rhum, one of the few flavored rums that I enjoy. From Barbancourt, a distinguished distillery in HaitiDid somebody mention sipping rhums? I have 7 bottles of this pineapple, fruit and spice rhum left that I had to order out of D.C. (out of the second case I've ordered) after a friend came home from Haiti and turned me on to it. I gave him 6 bottles for Christmas this year. Can't get it here, and I have tried. Lowest price I have seen is $15.99 a bottle. 70 proof, cane molasses rhum, bottled in Port au Prince. Mmmm...Since 1862... I actually like this better than Barbancourt's expensive offerings, and they have some that are way up there.
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If there's Apple Pucker in there, I'm game!