retaste:Raspberry Melomel Cyser 2020
All homegrown apples, a mixture of Russets, Kings and Cox, were ground and pressed at SG 1.040 and chaptalized with un-pasteurized blueberry blossom honey to SG 1.093 plus pectic enzyme, fermented with EC-1118 yeast and treated mid-ferment with bentonite to remove protein to prevent bottle haze.
Frozen homegrown organic raspberries were thawed with can sugar at 3 lbs sugar per 6 lb raspberries per Imperial gallon of water with pectic enzyme and fermented with EC 1118 yeast at SG 1.086 to SG 0.992. The dry SG 0.992 was chaptalized with the blueberry blossom honey to SG 1.012 with potassium sorbate.
60 parts raspberry melomel at SG 1.012 was blended with 40 parts cyser at SG 1.003 to make this wine blend.
Here are my tasting notes:
Appearance - deep rose with a bit of sediment on the side of the bottles which is easy yo settle (ellagic acid from the raspberries?)
Smell - raspberry and honey smells are present but russet apple smell is dominant are dominant, Smell is decent.
Tannin - high from the russets but ok
Acid - high but suits me as a table wine. I don't like syrupy table wines.
Flavour - intense, interesting, russet dominant, complex melomel cyser. The blueberry blossom honey improves it but the raspberry flavour is dominated by the russets and the honey.
Bottom line - The next time I make it I'll try 80 parts raspberry melomel and 20 parts cyser to get more raspberry flavour and tone down the russets. Having said that, I like it, kind of oddball but intense and interesting as a fruit table wine. Sorry I don't have a photo off my phone yet but when I get it I'll post it.
retaste:Raspberry Sour Cherry Melomel 2019
49 lbs frozen raspberries (late harvest)
21 lbs frozen pitted sour cherries
12 Imperial gallons of water
unpasteurized cranberry blossom honey to SG 1.090
yeast nutrient
pectic enzyme
bayanus EC1118 yeast
good colour, nice fruit and honey fragrance, no oxidation, well balanced, good flavour and aftertaste. The raspberries are dominant but you can taste the sour cherries. This is a good melomel recipe. I've always had good luck with cranberry blossom honey. This will age and I probably have 6+ left. It dropped a bit of sediment on the side of the bottles which settles easily. Don't know if it is protein, ellagic acid or both. Anyway it is easy to decant and a good recipe if you have sour cherries. Sour cherry melomel would probably be good too. I use early harvest raspberries for juice plus fresh eating in vegan coconut yoghurt or granola with cashew milk and mid to late harvest raspberries for wine. Now we use most of our sour cherries to make juice or fruit custard.
retaste of Russet Ambrosia 2022-2023Russet Ambrosia 2022-2023
My son in law and I made this blend today which I'm tasting now from 15 bottles of his unoaked 2022 Okanagan Ambrosia (1/3) and my 2023 unoaked Russet (2/3). We sorbated at SG 1.000 and sulphited to about 28 ppm free sulphite and put the blend in my cooler. All of the apple wines were treated mid ferment with bentonite to remove protein haze.
Here are my comments:
Appearance - lemon yellow (which is perfect for apple wine)
Smell - good fragrant wine
Tannin - good from the Russets
Acid - good
Flavour - this is a really tasty apple wine which I will absolutely make again with my son in law. I'd also like to try it as a cyser i.e. un-pasturized honey chaptalization instead of sugar. e.g. cranberry blossom, blueberry blossom or raspberry blossom.
The Ambrosia have a beautiful smell akin to Cox and even King apples.
retaste of Pacific Black IrisBlack Iris Foch Syrah 2020, 2023
This is Black Iris (68% wild blackberries, 32% pitted wild cherries with Sheridan Syrah 2020 (salvaged from a burnt rubber nose from MLF gone awry) plus 2023 homegrown Marechal Foch ~8% Syrah, 5% Marechal Foch and about 73% Black Iris. I can make 2 cases of this as a house red which I will do. Here are my comments;
Appearance - inky purple
Nose - good wild cherry dominant
Tannin - good
Acid- good
Flavour - good, rich dark dry fruit wine which will age. Has a bottle of Bols cherry liqueur in it which is noticeable and gives it a really nice finish. I'll definitely make 2 cases of this and possibly as many as 4. This is balanced and tasty. I'll mix Foch and/or Regent in the future to make decent house reds from fruit that I grow or can pick in my neighbourhood.
I'll bottle it as Pacific Black Iris 2023
retaste last wine for awhile (I may do Marechal Foch) retaste next. I wanted to do this to see how good Regent is without Black Iris. Here are my comments:tasting from a bottle:
Regent 2023
Appearance - inky purple, slightly petillant
Smell - good nose, cocoa, cherries, prunes
Tannin - good
Acid - good (lowest I've ever had without any chemical treatment over 10 years)
Flavour - this is good with an interesting aftertaste which is totally different than the Marechal Foch described above..
Bottom line - this is the best Regent I've ever made. Adding low acid 2nd run white and using 71B yeast looks like a winning recipe going forward. I think that it will improve over time and become more complex. I never heard of 71B until this year on this website. I'll absolutely use 71B yeast on Regent in the future in combination with RC212.
retaste just to get my bearings on the difference between okay-decent (my red hydrids Regent and Marechal Foch, good, very good and excellent. I'm tasting this wine again (25 bottles in total) to see whether or not I'm biased: Here are my comments:taste at racking from my carboys in my cooler
Petite Pinnacle of Verdot 2021, 2023 (50% Petite Pinnacle of Verdot with 50% Pinnacle of Verdot). Pinnacle is Dineen Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot is from Dineen, Petite Sirah is from Mettler. This blend cuts the original Petite Sirah 2021 dose in half in the original Petite Pinnacle of Verdot. I'm trying to make my wife's new super primo red. She loves petite Sirah but not at 29 brix which this one was. Here are comments on her new primo red (she gets 30 bottles):
Appearance - inky purple
Smell - very aromatic but hard to describe because its slightly cool having just come out of 2 fifteen bottle carboys from my walk in cooler.
Tannin - very good
Acid - very good (high enough to improve the smell over time)
Flavour- this is young but really good, super intense red. This is a perfect result from sky high brix Amarone style Mettler Petite Sirah grapes. It should last for eons because of the acid and the tannin. This is very good right now. When it ages properly it should be excellent i.e. a perfect gift to my wife Carol. Trust me. I will drink it but I know her palate and this wine is hers: super rich, not too acidic, not too tannic, very fragrant. So since it is hers I'll let her open each bottle after it ages in the bottle. I'm thinking at least 3 years in the bottle before she opens the first one. This has the potential to be sensational in 5 years.
Petite Sirah Foch 2021, 2023
Here are my comments:
Appearance - inky purple
Smell - good nose, the Foch makes the Petite Sirah smell more interesting
Tannin - good tastes like it can age so I'll let it. I have 4 splits left so I'll try to leave them alone for a few years
Acid - good maybe slightly flat but that is normal for Lodi Petite Sirah. The tannin compensates for lack of acid.
Flavour- the Petite Sirah definitely improves Marechal Foch. I'd buy Mettler Petite Sirah if I could get it or any other decent California Petite Sirah to make a rich red for my wife who really likes Petite Sirah because of its richness and lack of acid. I'd rate this as "good" with the potential when the tannin drops to be very good. If you grow French American hybrids consider blending them with Lodi Petite Sirah.
please post from that link so I know what you are talking about i.e. "Red Blends" "Grape Wines"Post your F-A hybrid blends in the Red Blends post in Grape Wines. We have a ton of Vinifera blends, but very little with F-A hybrids.
Obviously your telepathy is NOT working today!please post from that link so I know what you are talking about i.e. "Red Blends" "Grape Wines"
What was the reaction to the two wines?We are having friends over for an afternoon Italian "lunch" of linguine with sausage and meatballs, eggplant parmesan, salad and Key lime pie. I will serve my 2020 Amarone and my 2018 Nero D'Avola.
chug a lug, chug al lugGlass? We don't need no stinkin' GLASS! 102 degrees out there... Oh yeeeessssss... (glug, glug, glug...)
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