REDRUM, why not try the Redneck Wine Press..
Parts: Total cost should be about $15 (usd)
-Get two 5 gallon plastic buckets (they should be the same size and shape so that one can tightly stack inside the other).
-a bucket the size/shape of your average wash tub. A plastic demi-john bucket works great here.
-two 12 inch oak boards about 18 or 20 inches long. The wood should be clean and unused and preferably made of oak.
Make a "strainer bucket" by riddling one 5 gallon bucket with 3/8 inch holes (about 1/2 inch apart) all over the bottom and sides.
Leave the other 5 gallon bucket in tact (no holes). This will be our "plunger bucket".
Place one of the boards into your wash tub,
Place the strainer (or the bucket with all of the holes) inside the wash tub (on top of the board)
Fill the strainer 2/3 full with your fermented red grapes. and allow the "free-run" juice to drain.
Place the plunger bucket (the one without any holes) inside the strainer bucket bucket (the one with holes).
Place the second board on top of the plunger bucket.
Sit down on the board.
Have your wife bring you a glass of wine. You would get it yourself, except you are busy pressing your wine.
When wine stops flowing, empty your wash tub into your carboy and repeat the process.
One of the things I like to do is to run through all of my grapes, save skins them in a clean container, then press all of the skins a second time. I think you will be shocked at how dry those skins will be once you are finished.
I know a number of people that press this way. I would not recommend it if you are doing a huge amount of wine, but it sure does work great for batches under 15 gallons or so.