What's your user name mean?

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Mine is very pedestrian. First name Craig and I am A Mason by name and choice. 1957 is the year my mom's favorite son was born.

And by nature??

Mine is a pretty simple also, Scott is my middle name.
And by nature??

Mine is a pretty simple also, Scott is my middle name.

By nature, well I suppose so.

So, any chance that I might get my hands on some of that Templar Treasure? :)

Yes, yes you can. Just as soon as we find The Lost Symbol that Dan Brown talks about.
It is a play on words, I am a quilter, by hobby and profession. I also dye fabric. No nick-nacks or collections for me, I used to have only one thing I collected, fabric! Now I also seem to be getting quite a collection of wines! I have loved reading this thread. :h
My wife collects fabric too!

Mine was an evolution over many, many years. When I was selling cars (In Minnesota) we had to boom of all the cars. The sales manager saw the size of my boots (14) and was amazed. Knowing I was also a musician he started calling me "The Big Shoe". People being lazy and all it got shortened to just Shoe. I used it because people always seemed to remember it so it stuck. One of my lines to Phone customers was "Don't forget to ask for Shoe when you come in. if you forget my name, just look down, it will come to you. Someone came in and asked for ****... I stopped using that line :)
I've had many variations but someone at work started calling me Scooby Shoe and when I was looking for a gamer tag to use on RockBand Shoebiedoo was the closest thing available.

I've used it ever since.
Is that anywhere near Vezprem?
Hi JohnT ,
Yes Veszprem is a neighbouring county to Zala .

magyarorszag megyei.png
Turock--or Turok--"Son of Stone." He was a comic character of the 40's and 50's who my brother remembers. I don't quite recall hm, but one day I was looking for a video game character name and my brother suggested it because he always like Turok.
Okay, I can guess at a lot of the user names out there, but many have me baffled, so I'll start.
Reefman comes from my many years of SCUBA diving and love of coral reefs.
I've kept reef tanks of live coral, fish and inverts for over 20 years, from tropical to temperate climate tanks.

Great thread, Doug.
I live in Olustee Florida (and in alabama) and my nick name is Buster - Olustee bus
Enologo=Wine maker in Italian, which I'm working to become with the help of the great people on this forum. ;)
Nothing deep about mine - my sister-in-law started calling me Dugger when I first met my wife's family 44 years ago, and she still does. Being an engineer, I have no imagination so decided to use that!
Red... rum... red... rum...

Doesn't mean anything personally other than a tribute to a good film ... and I like red wine and follow local football team Adelaide United - 'The Reds'
Nothing special about mine, just the internet user name I have used since way back in 2000.

BTW, I watched the shining two nights ago....