RJ Spagnols White Chocolate Port

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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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Mine just went in clearing stage this morning and added the F-pack. Man that stuff smells great!!!!!!!!!!I havent tasted it yet but it really smells more like a White Chocolate Carmel. Almost like a Creme Broulee!(spelling?)
Edited by: wade
Wade, that sounds soooooooo GOOD!!

I am going to start the OC port today.
I think I am going to have to try and find 1 at another store cause I really wanted to get the OCP.
*cleans up his own drool*

Any pictures Wade? Hmmm - I risk drooling again. :)

- Jim
I'm finally starting mine today! I can't wait to see what this one will be like! the OCP is awesome, and last years Orange Blossom Muscat is amazing! If this follows suit, we are all in for a treat.
My Orange blossom muscat is almost done fermenting, Ill be racking late this week or next weekend and it smells great already. The White Choc. Port is clear and smells more like a Caramel to me.
I did not because I wasnt feeling that good and dint want to introduce any of my cold into it.
i just racked this morning.
it smells GREAT
It looks just like the pic that wade posted. Not sure what all fell to the bottom. did i just loose all my chocolate
Most of that is the dead yeast and or SuperKleer depending if you added your fining agent yet.
Appleman, I took another SG reading on my oc port on Sat. It went from 1.030 to 1.024. I do not see any activity in the airlock at all.

Should I rack it off the lees? Wait some more?
Have you been keeping notes on your OCP kit? I know you have followed directions, but we are confused just where you are at with the kit. If you kept notes, why not post them in your post you started for this kit. Whether or not you need to rack off the lees now depends on what stages you have completed and what packets you added when. In case you need it, here is a link to your post on the OCP
Appleman, this is the road to my pitiful little oc port dilemma:

2 Oct - in the primary it goes. Starting SG - 1.112

Day 11 (13 Oct) - SG - 1.080 (this is where I goofed) SG should have been 1.000 or lower.
Transferred to 3 gal carboy, added "Sulphite", stirred.
Added "Potassium Sorbate", stirred.
Added F Pack, stirred.
Added Kieselsol, stirred.
Added Chitosan, stirred.

25 Oct - checked SG. 1.024.
No activity in the airlock.

What is the diagnosis?
Obviously it is still fermenting so just goes to show you that it is hard to stop a fermentation in progress. You will need to get more k-meta and sorbate for when its done fermenting. You are going to have a very high abv on this wine since its now eating into to sugars from the f-pack! You may even want to try to cold stop this wine before it goes to low.
Has the wine cleared yet? Have you degassed yet? I would wait another week and make sure the SG doesn't go down any more. If it doesn't, rack it into a clean carboy and then check the SG again in a week. If you haven't degassed it yet, then do it at that time. It will probably be ready to bottle by day 45 after finishing clearing. It may be a bit sweet, but remember you added all the f-pack already. I hope it turns out well for you.
Appleman, thanks for all your help and advice. I have just ordered another kit and I will start over.

Lesson learned on this one.....pay attention to the SG!!!!!!