RJ Spagnols White Chocolate Port

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Just a little curious if anyone has tasted their WCWP lately. I popped a bottle that i fortified with some everclcear in Feb 09. the taste is on the butterscotch side still and it lacks some body. i still have about 1.5 gallons bulk aging without the extra alcohol, and some other bottles that are not spiked, i will probably try the non spiked bottles and bottle the rest in a couple of weeks.

Just curious of the impressions of others who have made this one.
I'd like to know what color it is. Is it dark like CRP or lighter in color?
Joan it looks to be a white, go back and looks at Wades pics. Dean, Motogirl - how did yours turn out? I've been hesitant to pick this up, but I like both creme brulee and butterscotch
. I am concerned it may not have the viscosity of a port.
Ahhh! I missed that photo! I was picturing it as a red but looking kinda milk chocolaty! Boy, was I ever wrong! =) Thanks VC, for telling me about the photo!
I started my White Chocolate Port kit over the weekend. I picked it up at the last bottling party. We'll see how it turns out.
I haven't tasted it since bottling. I sorta forgot about it all tucked away in the basement. For the good of the forum, I will get out a bottle and taste it and report back pronto. ( but you will have to wait until after dinner, 9 am is too early for anything other than Champagne!)
moto-girl said:
I haven't tasted it since bottling. I sorta forgot about it all tucked away in the basement. For the good of the forum, I will get out a bottle and taste it and report back pronto. ( but you will have to wait until after dinner, 9 am is too early for anything other than Champagne!)

I love it when one of us falls on their sword for the good of all of us. Thank you so much, moto-girl, what a trooper!
Survey says,........... Delicious! The viscousity of a port is present. Leanings of creme brulee, butterscotch and of course white chocolate. This one is only around 9 months old, so I expect it to continue to evolve.
ps, it also has great legs. Anyone else make this, and what are your thoughts?
moto-girl said:
Survey says,........... Delicious! The viscousity of a port is present. Leanings of creme brulee, butterscotch and of course white chocolate. This one is only around 9 months old, so I expect it to continue to evolve.
ps, it also has great legs. Anyone else make this, and what are your thoughts?

My thoughts are "I'm thirsty!"
Haven't made that kit yet. But it's on my list of kits to try.
Any more updates on the WCP? I am making this kit right now and am hoping that it is good enough to give out as Christmas presents this year...if not I'll wait until next year.
I havent tasted mine in quite some time now so maybe a Ill open one up in a few days.
Any updates on how the WCP is tasting with this degree of aging?
I think your typing is a little slurred, Wade.
But I did get the part about your never opening another bottle of the WCP. Thanks.
Hi, I am having a bit of trouble with mine. The primary fermintation is stuck at 1.014... Its been here for 5 days. I am a bit worried. Any suggestions on how to fix it? I know this is way to high of SG. I racked it off of the gross lees this am. Any advice?

JJGDC said:
Hi, I am having a bit of trouble with mine. The primary fermintation is stuck at 1.014... Its been here for 5 days. I am a bit worried. Any suggestions on how to fix it? I know this is way to high of SG. I racked it off of the gross lees this am. Any advice?


That's still pretty high. Racking it was the same as being stirred, which is also good for a slow/stuck fermentation. I'll bet now that it has been stirred up, if you add a little heat to the mid 70's F, it will take off. Keep it that warm for a week or more. Maybe gently stir it again every 2 days.