RJ Spagnols White chocolate white port

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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2013
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Just picked up and a white chocolate white port today. Saw some old threads where people had started them and liked them. does anybody have any more recent updates on what you think about it?

Also, did you fortify? If so what with?
I just had the store put one aside for me. Hoping to start it before the new year. Made an ice wine last year - turn out very well.
I'm just a little short on this white chocolate white port. What do you guys recommend topping up with? Should I try to find a like wine or Brandy or Everclear?

I've just added KMeta, sorbate, flavor, and fining agents

Wow this stuff starts clearing fast. This is only about two hours so far. I even stirred up up once just to be sure that isn't my chocolate flavor on the bottom

Broge5, You can top up with brandy if you are going to eventually fortify. You can also use sanitized marbles to fill the headspace. BTW what abv did you end up with after fermentation? I made the Choc. Rasp. Port last fall going to bottle next week for Christmas. Came out with 18% Abv. Bakervinyard
Looks good! Certainly use brandy or vodka is you want to fortify. If you're not so much keen on fortifying, you could always just use a basic, dry white wine. How exactly would you describe the taste? Is there a pronounced chocolate flavor? I think I've seen comments in past that suggested 'White Chocolate' wasn't quite describing the flavor profile. Just curious. Maybe there's even a flavored vodka or something that would compliment the flavors.
Baker. I'm not sure about the abv. My SG started at 1.24 (seems high) and ended at .996 before adding the flavor pack. Is there alcohol in the flavor pack? Sure seemed like it.
Southernchemist, I tasted the flavor pack and it had a little chocolate, caramel, maybe even mocha or creme brûlée. Sure seemed to have a little tang like alcohol too. I didn't try after adding flavor pack to the carboy.

I'll probably use marbles (will need to get some), or maybe vodka to top off just because I have some. I just don't want to alter it from the intended flavor if I can help it. Doesn't need much topping but in nervous to leave it without.
I wouldn't worry about changing the flavor. I added 1 gal of brandy to my chocolate/orange port last week and all I taste are grapes. Thats the beauty of a neutral spirit, they blend in and take on the identity of the master.

I haven't heard of a white chocolate port but it sure sounds good.
Broge5 said:
Baker. I'm not sure about the abv. My SG started at 1.24 (seems high) and ended at .996 before adding the flavor pack. Is there alcohol in the flavor pack? Sure seemed like it.

Did you mean 1.140? The f-pack will dilute the overall alcohol level a little, but it shouldn't be a significant reduction.
Ok I added 100 proof vodka. Was probably 1/3 liter or so.

Thanks for all the comments everybody.
I had the same experience wondering if there was alcohol in the f-pack of my Black Forest kit. But as I thought about it, it seemed unlikely because if it had been, they would have made me show my ID and sign for the kit when it came by UPS just like they do when I get wine shipped to me in by UPS. Also, the merchants who sell the kits would then have to be licensed to sell alcohol. So, I decided that whatever it was I was smelling in the f-pack, it wasn't alcohol.
Tom, I kinda had the same thoughts. It isn't really feasible that the fpak has alcohol.